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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Non-Dell EMC hardware

OS10 supports only one MST region. For a bridge to be in the same MST region as another, the following attributes must match the unique name, revision, and VLAN mapping. The default value for name is system mac. In case of Dell EMC, the user has to manually configure an unique name in all the nodes to be in a single region. If you have non-Dell EMC hardware that participates in MST, ensure these values match on all devices.

A region is a combination of three unique attributes:
  • Name — A mnemonic string you assign to the region. The default is the system MAC address.
  • Revision — A 2-byte number. The default is 0.
  • VLAN-to-instance mapping — Placement of a VLAN in an MSTI.


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