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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Maximum response time

The maximum response time is the amount of time that the querier waits for a response to a query before taking action.

When a host receives a query, it does not respond immediately, but rather starts a delay timer. The delay time is set to a random value between 0 and the maximum response time. The host sends a response when the timer expires; in IGMP version 2, if another host responds before the timer expires, the timer nullifies, and no response is sent.

The querier advertises the maximum response time in the query. Lowering this value decreases leave latency but increases response burstiness because all host membership reports are sent before the maximum response time expires. Inversely, increasing this value decreases burstiness, but increases leave latency.

To configure maximum response time:

OS10# configure terminal
OS10# interface vlan120
OS10(conf-if-vl-120)# ip igmp query-max-resp-time 20


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