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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


image download

Downloads a new software image or firmware file to the local file system.

image download file-url
file-url—Enter the URL of the image file:
  • ftp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath—Enter the path to copy from the remote FTP server.
  • http://hostip/filepath—Enter the path to copy from the remote HTTP server.
  • scp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath—Enter the path to copy from the remote SCP file system.
  • sftp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath—Enter the path to copy from the remote SFTP file system.
  • tftp://hostip/filepath—Enter the path to copy from the remote TFTP file system.
  • usb://filepath—Enter the path to copy from the USB file system.
Not configured
Command Mode
Usage Information
The image download command downloads image files to the image directory. Use the dir image command to display the contents of the image directory. OS10 SW image files are large, and occupy a significant amount of disk space. Dell EMC Networking recommends that you remove unnecessary image files from the image directory by using the delete command; for example:
delete image://OS10EE-10.2.0.bin

Use the show image status command to view the download progress.

When using the scp and sftp options, always enter an absolute file path instead of a path relative to the home directory of the user account; for example:
image download sftp://dellos10:password@
OS10# image download sftp://dellos10:adminTo%40%20@
Supported Releases
10.2.0E or later


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