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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Encapsulated remote port monitoring

You can also have the monitored traffic transmitted over an L3 network to a remote analyzer. The encapsulated remote port monitoring (ERPM) session mirrors traffic from the source ports, LAGs, or source VLANs. It forwards the traffic using routable GRE-encapsulated packets to the destination IP address specified in the session.

Consider the following when configuring an ERPM session:

  • OS10 supports only the ERPM source session. The encapsulated packets terminate at the destination IP address, the remote analyzer.
  • The source IP address must be a valid local IP address for the session.
  • The destination IP address must be on a remote L3 node that supports standard GRE decapsulation.
  • If the destination IP address is not reachable, the session goes down.
  • OS10 does not support an ERPM destination session and decapsulation of ERPM packets at the destination switch.
  • You can configure a maximum of four ERPM sessions with a maximum of 128 source ports in each session. You can configure these four ERPM sessions in one of the following methods:
    • Single directional with either four ingress or four egress sessions.
    • Bi-directional with two ingress and two egress sessions.
  • You can monitor a source VLAN only through flow-based monitoring. Only ingress is supported in flow-based source VLAN monitoring.
  • You cannot configure an interface with ERPM traffic as a source for an ERPM session.
  • You cannot monitor an RPM VLAN as a source.
  • You cannot configure the same destination IP address for two sessions.
  • You cannot configure an interface that serves as egress for a GRE tunnel as a source interface.
  • ERPM supports only GRE-over-IPv4 tunneling.
  • ERPM does not support Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP).
  • You can use third-party devices as only tunnel-transit devices.
  • OS10 does not support monitoring VLAN subinterfaces and CPU-generated packets.


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