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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Enable flow-based monitoring

Flow-based monitoring conserves bandwidth by mirroring only specified traffic, rather than all traffic on an interface. It is available for L2 and L3 ingress and egress traffic. Configure traffic to monitor using ACL filters.

  1. Create a monitor session in MONITOR-SESSION mode.
    monitor session session-number type  {local | rspan-source}
  2. Enable flow-based monitoring for the mirroring session in MONITOR-SESSION mode.
    flow-based enable
  3. Define ACL rules that include the keywords capture session session-id in CONFIGURATION mode. The system only considers port monitoring traffic that matches rules with the keywords capture session.
    ip access-list
  4. Apply the ACL to the monitored port in INTERFACE mode.
    ip access-group access-list

Enable flow-based monitoring

OS10(config)# monitor session 1 type local
OS10(conf-mon-local-1)# flow-based enable
OS10(config)# ip access-list testflow
OS10(conf-ipv4-acl)# seq 5 permit icmp any any capture session 1
OS10(conf-ipv4-acl)# seq 10 permit ip any capture session 1 count byte
OS10(conf-ipv4-acl)# seq 15 deny udp any any capture session 2 count byte
OS10(conf-ipv4-acl)# seq 20 deny tcp any any capture session 3 count byte
OS10(conf-ipv4-acl)# exit
OS10(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/1
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/1)# ip access-group testflow in
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/1)# no shutdown

View access-list configuration

OS10# show ip access-lists in
Ingress IP access-list testflow
 Active on interfaces :
 seq 5 permit icmp any any capture session 1 count (0 packets)
 seq 10 permit ip any capture session 1 count bytes (0 bytes)
 seq 15 deny udp any any capture session 2 count bytes (0 bytes)
 seq 20 deny tcp any any capture session 3 count bytes (0 bytes)

View monitor sessions

OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/1)# show monitor session all
S.Id  Source       Destination    Dir  SrcIP  DstIP  DSCP TTL  State  Reason
1   ethernet1/1/1  ethernet1/1/4  both  N/A   N/A    N/A  N/A  true   Is UP


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