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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


crypto cert install

Installs a host certificate and private key on the switch. A host certificate may be trusted from a CA or self-signed.

crypto cert install cert-file cert-path key-file {key-path | private} [password passphrase] [fips]
  • cert-file cert-path — Enter the local path to where the downloaded certificate is stored. You can enter a full path or a relative path; for example, home://s4048-001-cert.pem or usb://s4048-001-cert.pem or flash://certs/s4810-001-request.crt.
  • key-file {key-path | private} — Enter the local path to retrieve the downloaded or locally generated private key. Specify a key-path to install the key from a local directory. Enter private to install the key from a local hidden location. After the certificate is successfully installed, the private key is deleted from the specified key-path location and copied to the hidden location.

  • password passphrase — (Optional) Enter the password used to decrypt the private key if it was generated using a password.

  • fips — (Optional) Install the certificate-key pair as FIPS-compliant. Enter fips to install a certificate-key pair that a FIPS-aware application, such as RADIUS over TLS, uses. If you do not enter fips, the certificate-key pair is stored as a non-FIPS compliant pair.

Not configured
Command mode
Usage information
Before using the crypto cert install command, copy a CA-signed certificate to the home directory on the switch using a secure connection, such as HTTPS, SCP, or SFTP, and (optionally) the private key. To delete a trusted certificate, use the crypto cert delete command.

A successful installation of a trusted certificate requires that:

  • The downloaded certificate is correctly formatted.
  • The downloaded certificate’s public key corresponds to the private key.
You can assign an installed certificate-key pair to a security profile by entering the file name of the certificate without an extension.

It is possible to store a certificate in either FIPS mode or non-FIPS mode on the switch, but not in both modes, using the crypto cert install command and the optional fips option. You must ensure that certificates installed in FIPS mode are compliant with the FIPS 140-2 standard.

OS10# crypto cert install cert-file home://Dell_host1_CA1.pem key-file home://Dell_host1_CA1.key
Processing certificate ...
Certificate and keys were successfully installed as "Dell_host1_CA1.pem" that may be used in a security profile. CN = Dell_host1_CA1.
Supported releases or later


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