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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Configure negotiation modes on interfaces

On OS10, the auto negotiation mode is enabled by default.

To force negotiation, use the following command:

negotiation on

To disable negotiation, use the following command:

negotiation off

To reset the negotiation mode to the default setting of the media you use, use one of the following commands:

negotiation auto
no negotiation

The following examples show that the nondefault configuration is added to the running configuration:

OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# negotiation off
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# show configuration
interface ethernet1/1/50
 no shutdown
 switchport access vlan 1
 negotiation off
 flowcontrol receive on
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# negotiation on
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# show configuration
interface ethernet1/1/50
 no shutdown
 switchport access vlan 1
 negotiation on
 flowcontrol receive on

The following examples show that the default configuration is not added to the running configuration:

OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# negotiation auto
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# show configuration
interface ethernet1/1/50
 no shutdown
 switchport access vlan 1
 flowcontrol receive on

The following example shows that the no negotiation command resets the interface to the default setting of the media used.

OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# no negotiation 
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# show configuration
interface ethernet1/1/50
 no shutdown
 switchport access vlan 1
 flowcontrol receive on
OS10(conf-if-eth1/1/50)# do show interface ethernet 1/1/50
Ethernet 1/1/50 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Eth, address is e4:f0:04:3e:2d:86
    Current address is e4:f0:04:3e:2d:86
Pluggable media present, QSFP28 type is QSFP28 100GBASE-CR4-2.0M
    Wavelength is 64
    Receive power reading is not available

Interface index is 112
Internet address is not set
Mode of IPv4 Address Assignment: not set
Interface IPv6 oper status: Disabled
MTU 1532 bytes, IP MTU 1500 bytes
LineSpeed 100G, Auto-Negotiation on


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