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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Configuration guidelines

When configuring different modes; for example, F_Port, NPG, or FSB, consider the following:

  • F_Port, NPG, and FSB modes are mutually exclusive. You can enable only one at a time.
  • You can enable the mode-specific commands only after enabling the specific feature.
  • Before you disable the F_Port and NPG features, delete the mode-specific configurations. When you disable FSB, the system automatically removes the configurations.
  • If you connect a storage device (target) to the IOM Fibrechannel port and if the port is operationally UP, then the storage device will induce a port flap until you configure the FC DirectAttach uplink (vfabric) configuration on this port. This is because, the storage device tries to login to the IOM switch and flaps the port in case it does not receive the response. This is because the IOM side needs to be configured yet. Once you complete the configuration on the IOM side, then flaps are stopped and storage device logs in to the IOM switch.
  • While configuring or unconfiguring the FC-Gateway uplink, the uplink interface flaps. As UFD is enabled by default for NPG (FCGateway Uplink) in SmartFabric mode; UFD brings down the server facing ports which are deployed with same FCoE VLAN as FCGateway uplink.
  • Fibrechannel port flaps are observed on the IOM side if the IOM is operationally up and is connected to a storage device without configuring the FCDirectAttach uplink (vfabric) on this port. These flaps are induced by the storage device, as the storage device is unable to login to the IOM until the configuration on this port is applied. After the FCDirectAttach uplink (vfabric) configuration is completed on this port, the flaps stop and the storage device logs in to the IOM switch.


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