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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Changing IPv4 static route session parameters

Configure BFD sessions with default intervals and a default role.

Configure the following for all static routes:

  • Desired TX Interval
  • Required Min RX Interval
  • Detection Multiplier
  • system role

These parameters are configured for all static routes. If you change a parameter, the change affects all sessions for static routes. To change parameters for static route sessions, use the following command.

Change the parameters for all static route sessions in CONFIGURATION mode.
ip route bfd interval milliseconds min_rx milliseconds multiplier value role [active | passive]
Enter the time interval for sending and receiving BFD control packets; from 100 to 1000.
NOTE By default, OSPF uses the following BFD parameters for its neighbors: min_tx = 200 msec, min_rx = 200 msec, multiplier = 3, role = active.


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