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  • Effettua gli ordini in modo rapido e semplice
  • Visualizza gli ordini e monitora lo stato della spedizione
  • Crea e accedi a un elenco dei tuoi prodotti
  • Gestisci i siti, i prodotti e i contatti per livello di prodotto di Dell EMC tramite l'amministrazione della società.

Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services v2.30.30.30 Quick Start Guide

System status

This feature is used to remotely obtain the overall Remote Services API status that includes real-time CEM status, the host system status, and the remote service status. The overall status is displayed in the Status output parameter.

After the job is complete in Automated Task Application (previously SSM), the job status is immediately updated in the job store. The job is immediately moved to the Completed state and synchronization starts. After the synchronization is successful, the system is in the Ready state.

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