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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Viewing Managed System Health and Properties

When you log in to iDRAC Web interface, the System Summary page allows you to view the managed system's health, basic iDRAC information, preview the virtual console, add and view work notes, and quickly launch tasks such as power on or off, power cycle, view logs, update and rollback firmware, switch on or switch off the front panel LED, and reset iDRAC.

To access the System Summary page, go to Overview > Server > Properties > Summary . The System Summary page is displayed. For more information, see the iDRAC Online Help.

You can also view the basic system summary information using the iDRAC Settings utility. To do this, in iDRAC Settings utility, go to System Summary. The iDRAC Settings System Summary page is displayed. For more information, see the iDRAC Settings Utility Online Help.

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