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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Using Telnet Virtual Console

Some Telnet clients on the Microsoft operating systems may not display the BIOS setup screen correctly when BIOS Virtual Console is set for VT100/VT220 emulation. If this issue occurs, change the BIOS console to ANSI mode to update the display. To perform this procedure in the BIOS setup menu, select Virtual Console > Remote Terminal Type > ANSI .

When you configure the client VT100 emulation window, set the window or application that is displaying the redirected Virtual Console to 25 rows x 80 columns to make sure correct text display. Else, some text screens may be garbled.

To use Telnet virtual console:

  1. Enable Telnet in Windows Component Services.
  2. Connect to the iDRAC using the command: telnet < IP address >:< port number >, where IP address is the IP address for the iDRAC and port number is the Telnet port number (if you are using a new port).

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