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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Uploading Server Certificate Using RACADM

To upload the SSL server certificate, use the sslcertupload command. For more information, see the RACADM Command Line Reference Guide for iDRAC available at

If the CSR is generated outside of iDRAC with a private key available, then to upload the certificate to iDRAC:

  1. Send the CSR to a well-known root CA. CA signs the CSR and the CSR becomes a valid certificate.
  2. Upload the private key using the remote racadm sslkeyupload command.
  3. Upload the signed certificate to iDRAC using the remote racadm sslcertupload command. The new certificate is uploaded iDRAC. A message is displayed asking you to reset iDRAC.
  4. Run the racadm racreset command to reset iDRAC. iDRAC resets and the new certificate is applied. The iDRAC is not available for a few minutes during the reset.
    • NOTE: You must reset iDRAC to apply the new certificate. Until iDRAC is reset, the existing certificate is active.

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