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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Setting Up VNC Viewer With SSL Encryption

While configuring the VNC server settings in iDRAC, if the SSL Encryption option was enabled, then the SSL tunnel application must be used along with the VNC Viewer to establish the SSL encrypted connection with iDRAC VNC server.
  • NOTE: Most of the VNC clients do not have built-in SSL encryption support.

To configure the SSL tunnel application:

  1. Configure SSL tunnel to accept connection on <localhost>:<localport number> . For example,
  2. Configure SSL tunnel to connect to <iDRAC IP address>:<VNC server port Number> . For example,
  3. Start the tunnel application. To establish connection with the iDRAC VNC server over the SSL encrypted channel, connect the VNC viewer to the localhost (link local IP address) and the local port number (<local port number>).

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