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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Setting Boot Order Through BIOS

Using the System BIOS Settings utility, you can set the managed system to boot from virtual optical drives or virtual floppy drives.
  • NOTE: Changing Virtual Media while connected may stop the system boot sequence.

To enable the managed system to boot:

  1. Boot the managed system.
  2. Press <F2> to enter the System Setup page.
  3. Go to System BIOS Settings > Boot Settings > BIOS Boot Settings > Boot Sequence . In the pop-up window, the virtual optical drives and virtual floppy drives are listed with the standard boot devices.
  4. Make sure that the virtual drive is enabled and listed as the first device with bootable media. If required, follow the on-screen instructions to modify the boot order.
  5. Click OK, navigate back to System BIOS Settings page, and click Finish.
  6. Click Yes to save the changes and exit.

    The managed system reboots.

    The managed system attempts to boot from a bootable device based on the boot order. If the virtual device is connected and a bootable media is present, the system boots to the virtual device. Otherwise, the system overlooks the device—similar to a physical device without bootable media.

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