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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

New In This Release

  • Set user passwords and BIOS passwords using one way hash format for improved security.
  • Optimize system performance and power consumption by modifying the thermal settings.
  • Update iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller firmware using a single firmware image.
  • Update device firmware using TFTP or HTTP.
  • Out-of-band monitor and alert the performance index of CPU, memory, and I/O modules.
  • Configure warning threshold for inlet Temperature.
  • Configure persistence policy for virtual addresses, initiator, and storage targets.
  • View network interfaces available on host operating systems.
  • Enable SNMPv3 authentication for a user to receive SNMP traps.
  • Configure the SNMPv3 trap format.
  • Set the warning threshold for power consumption.
  • Remotely configure storage devices attached to the system at run-time.
  • Perform the following operations for storage devices:
    • Physical disks: Assign or unassign physical disk as a global hot spare
    • Virtual disks:
      • Create virtual disks
      • Edit virtual disks cache policies
      • Check virtual disk consistency
      • Initialize virtual disks
      • Encrypt virtual disks
      • Assign or unassign dedicated hot spare
      • Delete virtual disks
    • Controllers:
      • Configure controller properties
      • Import or auto-import foreign configuration
      • Clear foreign configuration
      • Reset controller configuration
      • Create or change security keys
    • PCIe SSD devices:
      • Inventory and remotely monitor the health of PCIe SSD devices in the server.
      • Prepare the PCIe SSD to be removed
      • Securely erase the data
    • Set the backplane mode (unified or split mode).
    • Blink or unblink component LEDs
    • Apply the device settings immediately, at next system reboot, at a scheduled time, or as a pending operation to be applied as a batch as part of the single job.
  • Use iDRAC Service Module to:
    • Populate WMI information.
    • Integrate with Technical Support Report.
  • Access iDRAC interface over direct USB connection.
  • Configure iDRAC using configuration XML file on USB device.
  • View inventory and monitor information and configure basic iDRAC settings using iDRAC Quick Sync feature and a mobile device.
  • Configure video capture settings
  • Generate technical support report in the following ways:
    • Automatic — Using iDRAC Service Module that automatically invokes the OS Collector tool.
    • Manual — Using OS Collector tool
  • Erase system and user data
  • Six users can launch the Virtual Console at any point of time.

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