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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8) Version User's Guide

Configuring WS Eventing

The WS Eventing protocol is used for a client service (subscriber) to register interest (subscription) with a server (event source) for receiving messages containing the server events (notifications or event messages). Clients interested in receiving the WS Eventing messages can subscribe with iDRAC and receive Lifecycle Controller job related events.

The steps required to configure WS eventing feature to receive WS Eventing messages for changes related to Lifecycle Controller jobs are described in the Web service Eventing Support for iDRAC 1.30.30 specification document. In addition to this specification, see the DSP0226 (DMTF WS Management Specification), Section 10 Notifications (Eventing) document for the complete information on the WS Eventing protocol. The Lifecycle Controller related jobs are described in the DCIM Job Control Profile document.

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