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Reference Guide Dell Wyse ThinOS Release 8.3.1 – INI Files


Peripheral Settings for wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files

Table 6 contains the parameters used for configuring peripheral settings such as keyboard, monitor, mouse, printers and bluetooth devices. The underlined values are default values.

Table 1. Peripheral Settings for wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files


* Global overrides identically-named user profile

** After sign off, user profile returns to global value


DefaultPrinter={LPD1, LPD2, LPD3, LPD4, COM1, COM2, LPT1, LPT2, SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, SMB4}

Specifies the default printer. Be sure the printer set as default is enabled or the setting will be invalid.


volume={low, middle, high} or {0 to 25}

mute={ 0, 1, 2, 3}

[mic_vol={high, middle, low} or {0-25}]

[mic_mute={0, 1}]

[min_cache={ 1-50}]

[EnableSpeaker={ yes, no}][

Specifies the local thin client audio volume.

volume — Default is middle. Specifies the volume level.

high — maximum volume

middle — medium volume

low — minimum volume

Values of 0-25 provide more exact volume level

mute — Default is 0. Option to enable/disable mute.

0 — no mute

1 — mutes audio

2 — mutes audio and system beep

3 — mutes system beep

mic_vol — Default is medium. Option to set volume levels to high, middle or low.

high — maximum volume

middle — medium volume

low — minimum volume

Values of 0-25 provide more exact volume level.

mic_mute — Default is 0.

0 — no mute

1 — mutes audio

min_cache — Default is 1. This option is for configuring ThinOS audio playback minimum buffering amount in ten millisecond units. This can be used when network bandwidth is not large enough to play audio smoothly.

In such cases, set min_cache higher, so that ThinOS will buffer more audio data before playing the audio.

1 – ThinOS will buffer at least 10 ms of audio data when playing audio.


50 – ThinOS will buffer at least 500 ms (0.5s) of audio data when playing audio.

EnableSpeaker — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable the internal loud speaker.


[Disable={yes, no}]

Set the parameter to disable bluetooth devices. The default value is no. The value is stored into NVRAM. If you set Disable=yes, the bluetooth devices are not initialized.



[width={camera supported width}]

[height={camera supported height}]

[fps={camera supported fps}]

[samplerate={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}]

[optimize={ no, yes}]

[Disable={yes, no}]

Specify the ThinOS local camera settings.

format — Support only for raw video type; format=raw is fixed.

width — The width of the resolution that the local camera supports.

height — The height of the resolution that the local camera supports.

fps — The frame per second (fps) of the resolution that the local camera supports.

samplerate — The software level sample rate based on fps to optimize the performance, where the frame per second for the camera is actually equal to the fps value multiplied by the samplerate value. Samplerate values mean the following sample rates:

0 — 1/1

1 — 1/2

2 — 1/3

3 — 1/4

4 — 1/5

5 — 1/6

optimize — Default is no. Yes/ no option to optimize the width, height, and fps at 320 x 240 at 10 fps. That is, if optimize=yes, then 320 x 240 at 10 fps will be used for the local camera settings regardless of the individual settings in width, height, and fps; as long as the camera supports the 320 x 240 at 10 fps.

If optimize=yes and the camera does not support the 320 x 240 at 10 fps settings, an error will be present in the Event Log of ThinOS.

If optimize=no then the individual settings in width, height, and fps will be used as long as the camera supports them.

Disable— When you specify Disable=yes, the device is disabled. For example, the Camera tab in peripherals setting is disabled, the Exclude video devices option in Global Connection Settings is disabled. The device cannot be accessed at local and remote sessions.


[numlockoff={ no, yes}]

[repeatrate={0, 1, 2}]

[repeatdelay={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}]

Device — Specifies the local keyboard.

numlockoff — Default is no. Yes/no option to turn off the NumLock of the keyboard.

repeatrate — Default is 1. Specifies the keyboard repeat rate.

0 — Slow

1 — Medium

2 — Fast

repeatdelay — Default is 2. Specifies the keyboard delay in seconds, before repeat.

0 — 1/5

1 — 1/4

2 — 1/3

3 — 1/2

4 — 3/4

5 — 1

6 — 2

7 — No Repeat

  • NOTE:

    These settings in a wnos.ini file will be saved into NVRAM if EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini file.


[DisableBeep={ yes, no}]

[DisableKeystroke={ yes, no}]

[SetCardType={yes, no} Configuration1={*} Configuration2={*} ]

[DisableInitialization={yes, no}]

[DisableLed={yes, no}

Device=Rfideas — Specifies the local Rfideas readers.

DisableBeep — Default is yes. Option disables the beep sound when the card is read.

DisableKeyStroke — Default is yes. Option disables the keyboard movements and key strokes.

SetCardType — Default is no. Used only for pcProx Plug readers.

  • If set to yes, then the Configuration #1 initializes to HID Prox 608x compatibility and Configuration #2 initializes to RDR-758x Equivalent.
  • If set to no, then the card type remains unchanged.

DisableInitialization — Default is no. Option disables configurations to the card reader.

DisableLed—If set to yes, then LED is turned off. If set to no, then LED is controlled by Reader. The default value is not set.




Specifies the first COM port number that can be used by USB-serial port.

For example, the first USB-Serial port on a VL10 thin client is COM2 by default, but it can be changed to COM3 with the INI file Device=UsbSerial Start=COM3 .

  1. Without any ini setting: The COM number registered is related with USB port number. Since USB port number is hardware property, it is always mounted in the same order, and there is no relation with the plug sequence.

  2. If Device=UsbSerial start=COMx is set, then rule 1 does not work, the COM number is set by "x", and "x" range is 1-4, since ThinOS only supports maximum of four COM.

  3. If COMx=COMy is set, the range for x is 1 - 4, and the real name in ThinOS is considered. The range for "y" is 5 - 8, since ICA running on ThinOS only supports maximum of eight COM.

  • NOTE: The INI [com{1~4}=com{5~8}] is applicable for ICA connections only.

**DisableMouse={ no, yes}


MouseDisable={ no, yes}

DisableMouse — Default is no. Yes/no option to disabled mouse pointer so that it is shown on the screen. The pointer is enabled if any mouse activity occurs.


MouseDisable — Default is no. Yes/no option to disabled mouse pointer so that it is shown on the screen. The pointer is enabled if any mouse activity occurs.


Specifies the size of spool to buffer all the data before sending them to the LPD printer. The range of value is 0 to 10, that is, 0 MB to 10 MB. If the specified value is above the range, then the value is set to 5.

The range of value is extended to 50.

In build 8.2_001 or later builds, the LPD data is spooled to a file in a ram disk instead of a buffer. So the value of the parameter will not be related to the spool size as before.

If LpdSpool=0, the function is disabled, otherwise the function is enabled.

LPTPortBind={ yes, no}

LPTPortBind — Default is Yes. Specifies the LPT bind to the USB Port Policy.

If set to Yes, then the registered port follows the following binding policy: LPT1 from USB ports 1/3/5/7 and LPT2 from USB posts 2/4/6.

If set to No, then the LPT port plugged in first is LPT1 followed by LPT2, and so on.

MicBoost={ no, yes}

Default is no.

Yes/no option to enable on-board microphone boost.


Default is 6.

Value specifies the mouse speed within a range of 1 through 9, where 1 is slowest and 9 is fastest. This parameter is the replacement of MouseSpeed from build 7.0.1_07.

**MouseSwap={0, 1}

0/1 option to swap the mouse buttons. For example, for left-handed use.

0 — No

1 — Yes


[PrinterID=Window driver name]

[Enabled={no, yes}]

NetworkPrinter — Specifies the configuration for the network (LPD) printer in the same way as described for the Printer Setup dialog box in the Dell Wyse ThinOS Administrator’s Guide. The host and queue parameters define the IP address and queue name of the printer.

PrinterID — Specifies the Windows printer driver name.

Enabled — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable the network (LPD) printer.

Printer={ COM1, COM2, LPT1, LPT2}

[Name= <name>]



[Enabled={no, yes}]

[EnableLPD={ no, yes}]

Default is COM1.

Printer — Specifies the local printer to configure.

Name — Specifies the name of the printer. This option must be used.

PrinterID — If not specified, the default Generic/Text Only is used.

Class — Used in ThinPrint print for TPAutoconnect; the ThinPrint technology of mapping the printer from the client side. It can group printers to use the same template on the ThinPrint server side. The strings PCL5, PS, and TXT are pre-defined classes. Class can be a string with 7 characters.

Enabled — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable the printer.

EnableLPD — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the LPD service.

  • NOTE: The parameters must be specified in the order shown.

Printer={ LPD1, LPD2, LPD3, LPD4, LPD5-LPD36}


[Host= host]




[Enabled={no, yes}]

Default is LPD1.

Printer — Specifies the LPD printer to configure.

LocalName — Specifies the name of the printer. If LocalName is not specified, the Queue name is used.

Host — Specifies the host name of the printer.

Queue — Specifies the queue name of the printer.

PrinterID — Specifies the windows driver to use for the printer. If not specified, the default Generic/Text Only is used.

Class — Used in ThinPrint print for TPAutoconnect; the ThinPrint technology of mapping the printer from the client side. It can group printers to use the same template on the ThinPrint server side. The strings PCL5, PS, and TXT are pre-defined classes. Class can be a string with 7 characters.

Enabled — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable the printer. These settings in a wnos.ini file will be saved into NVRAM if EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini file.

  • NOTE:

    The parameters must be specified in the order shown. For backward compatibility, LPD is accepted as LPD1.

LPD2 – LPD4 are new in the 5.1. For WT1200 platform where Local flash is absent, locally configured LPD2-LPD4 and SMB1 to SMB4 disappear on power cycle.

Printer={ SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, SMB4}






[Enabled={no, yes}]

[EnableLPD={ no, yes}]



[Domain=domain name]

Default is SMB1.

Printer — Specifies the shared Microsoft network printer to configure.

LocalName — Specifies the name of the shared printer.

Host — Specifies the host name of the shared printer specified as \domain\host when the host is configured within a Microsoft domain, otherwise, host can be specified as \\host.

Name — Specifies the shared name of the shared printer.

PrinterID — Specifies the windows driver to use for the printer. If not specified, the default Generic/Text Only is used.

Class — Used in ThinPrint print for TPAutoconnect; the ThinPrint technology of mapping the printer from the client side. It can group printers to use the same template on the ThinPrint server side. The strings PCL5, PS, and TXT are pre-defined classes. Class can be a string with 7 characters.

Enabled — Default is yes . Yes/no option to enable the printer.

EnableLPD — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the LPD printer.

Username — Specifies the username of a user who can use the SMB printer.

Password — Specifies the password of a user who can use the SMB printer.

Domain — Specifies the domain name of the SMB printer.

**RepeatDelay={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

Default is 2. Specifies the keyboard delay before repeat in seconds.

0 — 1/5

1 — 1/4

2 — 1/3

3 — 1/2

4 — 3/4

5 — 1

6 — 2

7 — No Repeat

**RepeatRate={0, 1, 2}

Default is 1. Specifies the keyboard repeat rate.

0 — Slow

1 — Medium

2 — Fast

*Resolution=[DDC, 640X480, 800X600,

1024X768, 1152X864, 1280X720,

1280X768, 1280X1024, 1360X768,

1366X768, 1368X768, 1400X1050,

1440X900, 1600X900, 1600X1200,

1680X1050, 1920X1080, 1920X1200]

[Refresh=60, 75, 85}


Default is DDC.

Resolution — Specifies the local display resolution. Option DDC can be specified to select default display resolution.

  • NOTE:

    When using the Wyse Y Cable, DDC will properly work on both monitors by default. However, if connected to R10L/R00x clients and you are using Dual DVI, then you must add the following DualHead INI parameter and DualHead option for DDC to properly work on both monitors:

    Parameter: DualHead=yes

    Option: ManualOverride=yes

Refresh — Specifies the local display refresh rate.
  • NOTE:

    If the Resolution or Refresh parameter values are changed, the thin client will reboot without notice to the user.

rotate — Rotate allows you to rotate monitors for viewing in Portrait mode. For example:
screen=1 resolution=1280x1024 refresh=60 rotate=none
  • NOTE:

    Due to processing power requirements, rotate is not recommended and supported on the C class platforms at this time.

    The Screen parameter must be placed before the Resolution parameter. For example:
    screen=1 resolution=1280x1024 refresh=60 rotate=none
*Screen={ 1,2}

Default is 1.

Screen — Specifies the monitor for the Resolution parameter. You can configure each monitor with its own resolution; the specific monitor is set with the Screen= option.

  • NOTE:
    The Screen parameter must be placed before the Resolution parameter. For example:
    screen=1 resolution=1280x1024 refresh=60 rotate=none

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