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OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Version 4.0 Web Client User's Guide

Registering a vCenter server

About this task

You can register the OMIVV appliance after the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter is installed. OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter uses the administrator user account or a non-administrator user account with necessary privileges for vCenter operations. OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter supports up to 1000 hosts with a single vCenter instance or multiple vCenters, which are in linked mode.

To register a new vCenter server, perform the following steps:


  1. Open Administration Portal from a supported browser.
    To open Administration Portal, in the Help and Support tab of OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click the link under Administration Console or start a web browser and provide the https:\\<ApplianceIP|hostname> url.
  2. In the left pane, click VCENTER REGISTRATION, and then click Register a New vCenter Server.
  3. In the REGISTER A NEW VCENTER dialog box, under vCenter Name, perform the following steps:
    1. In the vCenter Server IP or Hostname text box, enter the vCenter IP address or FQDN of the host.
      NOTE: Dell recommends registering OMIVV with the VMware vCenter by using Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). For all registrations, the host name of vCenter should be properly resolvable by the DNS server. The following are the recommended practices for using the DNS server:
      • Assign a static IP address and host name when you deploy an OMIVV appliance with a valid DNS registration. A static IP address ensures that during the system restart, the IP address of the OMIVV appliance remains same.
      • Ensure that OMIVV host name entries are present in both forward and reverse lookup zones in your DNS server.
    2. In the Description text box, enter a description (optional).
  4. Under vCenter User Account, perform the following steps:
    1. In the vCenter User Name text box, enter the administrator’s user name or a non-administrator user name with the required privileges.
    2. In the Password text box, enter the password.
    3. In the Verify Password text box, enter the password again.
  5. Click Register.


After registering the vCenter server, OMIVV is registered as a vCenter plug-in, and “Dell OpenManage Integration” icon is visible in the vSphere web client from which you can access the OMIVV functionalities.
NOTE: For all vCenter operations, OMIVV uses the privileges of the registered user and not the privileges of the logged-in user.


User X with the necessary privileges registers OMIVV with vCenter and user Y has only Dell privileges. User Y can now log in to the vCenter and can trigger a firmware update task from OMIVV. While performing the firmware update task, OMIVV uses the privileges of user X to put the host into maintenance mode or reboot the host.

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