After you create a connection profile, you
can edit the profile name, description, associated hosts and iDRAC,
and host credentials.
About this task
NOTE: The vCenters listed during this procedure are authenticated by using the same
Single sign on (SSO). If you cannot view a vCenter host, it might
be on a different SSO or you might be using a VMware vCenter version
earlier than version 5.5.
NOTE: Ensure that you do
not update a connection profile when an inventory, a warranty, or
a deployment job is running.
NOTE: Ensure that you do
not move a host that is associated with a connection profile to another
connection profile or remove a host from a connection profile when
an inventory, a warranty, or a deployment job is running.
In OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter, click Manage.
Click Profiles, and then click Credential Profiles.
Expand Credential Profiles, and then click Connection Profiles.
Select a profile, and click the icon.
In the Welcome tab of the Connection Profile window, read the information and click Next.
In the Name and Credentials tab, perform the
following steps:
Under Profile, type the Profile Name and Description, which is optional.
Under vCenter, view the associated hosts for this connection
profile. See the note preceding about why you see the hosts displayed
Under iDRAC Credentials, perform one of the following steps:
For the iDRAC
accounts that are already configured and enabled for Active Directory
on which you want to use Active Directory, select Use Active
In the Active Directory User Name text box, type the user name.
Type the user name in one of these formats; domain\username or domain/username, or username@domain. The user name is limited to 256 characters. See the Microsoft Active
Directory Documentation for user name restrictions.
In the Active Directory Password text box, type the password.
The password is limited to 127 characters.
In the Verify Password text box, type the password again.
For certificate
check, select one of the following:
To download
and store the iDRAC certificate and validate it during all future
connections, select Enable Certificate Check.
To perform
no check and not store the certificate, do not select Enable
Certificate Check.
To configure
the iDRAC credentials without Active Directory, enter the following:
User Name—type the user name in one of these formats,
such as domain\username, or domain@username.
The characters that are allowed for the user name
are: / (forward slash), & (ampersand), \ (backslash), . (period), " (quotation mark), @ (at the rate), % (percent) (127 character limit).
The domain can
contain alphanumeric characters, such as - (dash),
and . (period) (254 character limit). The first and
last characters for domain must be alphanumeric.
Password—type the password.
The characters
that are not allowed for the password are: / (forward
slash), & (ampersand), \ (backslash), . (period), " (quotation mark).
Verify password—retype your password.
Enable Certificate Check—by default, the check box is
clear. To download and store the iDRAC certificate and validate it
during all future connections, select Enable Certificate
Check. To perform no certificate check and not store the
certificate, do not select the Enable Certificate Check check box.
NOTE: Select Enable Certificate Check if you are using Active Directory.
Under Host Root, do the following tasks:
To access
all the consoles associated with the Active Directory, select the Use Active Directory check box.
User Name—the default user name is root and cannot be
modified. If Use Active Directory is selected,
you can use any Active Directory user name.
NOTE: The User
Name is root and this entry cannot be modified if you
do not select Use Active Directory. It is not
compulsory for the iDRAC user to use the root credential, and it can
be any administrator privilege if Active Directory is set.
Password—type the password.
The following
characters are not allowed for the password: / (forward
slash), & (ampersand), \ (backslash), . (period), " (quotation mark).
Verify password—retype your password.
Enable Certificate Check—by default, the check box is
clear. To download and store the iDRAC certificate and validate it
during all future connections, select Enable Certificate
Check. To perform no certificate check and not store the
certificate, clear the Enable Certificate Check check box.
NOTE: Select Enable Certificate Check if you are using Active Directory.
NOTE: The OMSA credentials
are the same credentials as used for the ESXi hosts.
NOTE: For hosts that do not
have either an iDRAC Express or Enterprise card, the iDRAC test connection
result states Not Applicable for this system.
Click Next.
In the Select Hosts dialog box, select hosts
for this connection profile.
Click OK.
The Associated Host dialog
box lets you test the iDRAC and host credentials on the selected servers.
NOTE: If you select hosts
that are running ESXi 6.5 or later, ensure that you click the icon for enabling the WBEM service on all those hosts.
Perform one of the following steps:
To create
a connection profile without testing the credentials, click Finish.
To begin
the test, select the hosts to check and then click the Test Connection icon. The other options are inactive.
NOTE: The test connection
fails if the WBEM service is not enabled for hosts with ESXi 6.5 or
When the test is complete, click Finish.
To stop
the tests, click Abort All Tests. In the Abort Tests dialog box, click OK, and then click Finish.
NOTE: The Date
Modified and Last Modified By fields
include changes that you perform through the web client interface
for a connection profile. Any changes that the OMIVV appliance performs
on the respective connection profile do not affect these two field
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