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Dell PowerVault ME4 Series Storage System CLI Guide


create user

Description Creates a user account. The system supports 12 user accounts. You can create a standard user that can access the PowerVault Manager, CLI, SFTP, or FTP interface. You can also create an SNMPv3 user that can access the MIB or receive trap notifications. SNMPv3 user accounts support SNMPv3 security features such as authentication and encryption.
Minimum role manage
Syntax create user

[authentication-type MD5|SHA|none]

[base 2|10]

[interfaces interfaces]

[locale English|en|Spanish|es|French|fr|German|de|Japanese|ja|Korean|ko|Chinese-simplified| zh-s]

[password password]

[precision #]

[privacy-password encryption-password]

[privacy-type DES|AES|none]

[roles roles]

[storage-size-base 2|10]

[storage-size-precision #]

[storage-size-units auto|MB|GB|TB]

[temperature-scale celsius|c|fahrenheit|f]

[timeout #]

[trap-host address]

[type novice|standard|advanced|diagnostic]

[units auto|MB|GB|TB]

Parameters authentication-type MD5|SHA|none
Optional. For an SNMPv3 user, this specifies whether to use a security authentication protocol. Authentication uses the user password.
  • MD5: MD5 authentication. This is the default.
  • SHA: SHA-1 authentication.
  • none: No authentication.
base 2|10
Optional. Sets the base for entry and display of storage-space sizes:
  • 2: Sizes are shown as powers of 2, using 1024 as a divisor for each magnitude. In base 2 when you set a size, whether you specify a base-2 or base-10 size unit, the resulting size is in base 2
  • 10: Sizes are shown as powers of 10, using 1000 as a divisor for each magnitude. In base 10 when you set a size, the resulting size is in the specified unit. This option is the default.

Operating systems usually show volume size in base 2. Disk drives usually show size in base 10. Memory (RAM and ROM) size is always shown in base 2.

interfaces interfaces
Optional. Specifies the interfaces that the user can access. Multiple values must be separated by commas and no spaces. A command that specifies snmpuser or snmptarget cannot also specify a non-SNMP interface.
  • cli: Command-line interface. This is enabled by default.
  • wbi: PowerVault Manager web-browser interface. This is enabled by default.
  • ftp: FTP or SFTP interface.
  • smis: Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) interface. Not supported for a system with 5U84 enclosures.
  • snmpuser:Allows an SNMPv3 user to view the SNMP MIB.
  • snmptarget: Allows an SNMPv3 user to receive SNMP trap notifications. This option requires the trap-host parameter.
  • none: No interfaces.

The smis option is not supported for a user with the monitor or diagnostic role. A command that specifies snmpuser or snmptarget cannot also specify a non-SNMP interface. To enable or disable interface protocols, use the set protocols command.

locale English|en|Spanish|es|French|fr|German|de|Japanese|ja|Korean|ko|Chinese-simplified|zh-s

Optional. The display language. The default is English.

password password
Optional in console format; required for API format. Sets a new password for the user. Input rules:
  • The value is case-sensitive.
  • The value can have 8 to 32 characters..
  • The value can include spaces and printable UTF-8 characters except: " , . < \
  • A value that includes only printable ASCII characters must include at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one numeric character, and one non-alphanumeric character.

If this parameter is omitted, the command prompts you to enter and re-enter a value, which is displayed obscured for security reasons. For an SNMPv3 user whose authentication-type parameter is set to use authentication, this specifies the authentication password.

precision #

Optional. Sets the number of decimal places (1–10) for display of storage-space sizes.

privacy-password encryption-password
Optional. For an SNMPv3 user whose privacy-type parameter is set to use encryption, this specifies the encryption password. Input rules:
  • The value is case-sensitive.
  • The value can have 8 to 32 characters.
  • The value can include spaces and printable UTF-8 characters except: " , . < \
  • A value that includes only printable ASCII characters must include at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one numeric character, and one non-alphanumeric character.
privacy-type DES|AES|none
Optional. For an SNMPv3 user, this specifies whether to use a security encryption protocol. This parameter requires the privacy-password parameter and the authentication-type parameter.
  • DES: Data Encryption Standard.
  • AES: Advanced Encryption Standard.
  • none: No encryption. This is the default.
roles roles
Optional. Specifies the user roles as one or more of the following values:
  • monitor: User can view but not change system settings. This is the default.
  • manage: User can view and change system settings.
  • diagnostic: User can view and change system settings.
Multiple values must be separated with a comma (with no spaces). If multiple values are specified, the access to commands is determined by the highest role specified.

storage-size-base 2|10

Optional. Alias for base.

storage-size-precision #

Optional. Alias for precision

storage-size-units auto|MB|GB|TB

Optional. Alias for units.

temperature-scale celsius|c|fahrenheit|f
Optional. Sets the scale for display of temperature values:
  • fahrenheit or f: Temperatures are shown in degrees Fahrenheit.
  • celsius or c: Temperatures are shown in degrees Celsius. This is the default.
timeout #

Optional. Sets the timeout value in seconds for the login session. Valid values are 120 to 43200 seconds (2–720 minutes). The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).

trap-host address

Optional. For an SNMPv3 user whose interface parameter is set to snmptarget, this specifies the network address of the host that receives SNMP traps. The value can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or FQDN.

type novice|standard|advanced|diagnostic

Optional. Identifies the user experience level. This parameter is informational only and does not affect access to commands. The default is standard.

units auto|MB|GB|TB
Optional. Sets the unit for display of storage-space sizes.
  • auto: Sizes are shown in units that are determined by the system. This is the default.
  • MB: Sizes are shown in MB.
  • GB: Sizes are shown in GB.
  • TB: Sizes are shown in TB.
Based on the precision setting, if a size is too small to meaningfully display in the selected unit, the system uses a smaller unit for that size. For example, if units is set to TB, precision is set to 1, and base is set to 10, the size 0.11709 TB is instead shown as 117.1 GB.


A name for the new user, which cannot already exist in the system. Input rules:
  • The value is case-sensitive.
  • The value can have 29 bytes.
  • The value can include printable UTF-8 characters except a space or: " , < \

Create user John who views system information using base 2 in the PowerVault Manager.

# create user base 2 interfaces wbi roles monitor John

Enter new password: ********

Re-enter new password: ********

Create user MIB that can view the SNMP MIB, using authentication and encryption.

# create user interfaces snmpuser password Abcd1234 authentication-type SHA privacy-type AES privacy-password Abcd%5678 MIB

Create user Traps that can receive SNMP trap notifications, using authentication without encryption.

# create user interfaces snmptarget authentication-type SHA trap-host Traps

Enter new password: ********

Re-enter new password: ********

See also

delete user

set snmp-parameters

set user

show users

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