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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 8.5 INI Reference Guide


General Settings for wnos.INI Files Only

The following table contains the parameters used for configuring general settings. The underlined values are default values.

Table 1. General Settings: wnos.ini files onlyTable contains the parameters used for configuring general settings.
AutoLoad={0, 1, 2, 101, 102, 201, 202}

[LoadPkg={0, 1, 2}]

[AddPkg={pkg1_name, pkg2_name, …}]

[DelPkg={pkg1_name, pkg2_name, …}]

[VerifySignature={yes, no}]

AutoLoad— Default is 1. Specifies the firmware update mode. The following are the values and associated actions:

0 — Disables checking for image.

1— Enables forced firmware upgrade/downgrade process. This is the default value.

2 — Enables comparison/non-forced upgrade process only.

101 — Enables firmware upgrade/downgrade process, but displays a window with OK or Cancel button before the process with a note of the version to downgrade or upgrade; displays a status complete window.

102 — Enables firmware upgrade, but displays a window with OK or Cancel button before the process with a note of the version to upgrade; displays a status complete window.

201 — Enables firmware upgrade or downgrade process, but displays a window with OK button before the process; displays a status complete window.

202 — Enables firmware upgrade only, but displays a window with OK button before the process; displays a status complete window.

The option LoadPkg specifies how to update the external packages.

If set to 0, this disables checking for packages. If set to 1 it enable packages upgrade/downgrade process, and if set to 2, it enables upgrade only.

If LoadPkg is not in the statement, it will inherit the value of AutoLoad. For example, if the value is 0, and if AutoLoad=0, 1, and if AutoLoad=1, 101 or 201, and 2 if AutoLoad=2, 102 or 202.

For example, if you set AutoLoad=1 LoadPkg=0, the firmware is checked, but the packages are not checked. From ThinOS 8.3, the external packages update mechanism is changed.

Some packages are default, and loaded according to value of LoadPkg. For example RTME.

Some packages need additional parameter AddPkg to add. For example, FR and TCX.The option AddPkg is for adding packages. It depends on the value of LoadPkg.

The packages check comes after firmware check. The option DelPkg is for deleting packages. It does not depend on the value of LoadPkg. The packages specified in DelPkg are always deleted when loading the ini file.

The value of AddPkg and DelPkg is one package name or a package name list. For example, AutoLoad=1 AddPkg="FR, TCX" DelPkg=RTME

NOTE:The AddPkg and DelPkg options depend on platforms that supports external packages. Only Wyse 3030 LT thin client with ThinOS, Wyse 3030 LT thin client with PCoIP, Wyse 3040 thin client with ThinOS, Wyse 3040 thin client with PCoIP, Wyse 5010 thin client with ThinOS, Wyse 5010 thin client with PCoIP, Wyse 5040 thin client with ThinOS, Wyse 5040 thin client with PCoIP, Wyse 5060 thin client with ThinOS, Wyse 5060 thin client with PCoIP, and Wyse 7010 thin client with ThinOS support it. The other legacy platforms does not support it.

VerifySignature—The option VerifySignature specifies whether or not the verification is required when updating the firmware and/or packages. It is introduced in ThinOS 8.4 release and later to enhance the security and integrity of the firmware and packages. If set to no, it will not check the signature so that the downgrade of the firmware and/or packages can happen, which do not support signature. The default is yes.

AutoPower={yes, no}


Device=cmos AutoPower=(yes, no)

Default is no.

Yes/no option on how the system starts when the power is first applied to the thin client.

If set to yes, then the system starts itself without waiting for users to press the power button. In cases where power was lost unexpectedly and if the thin client was shut down properly before power was lost unexpectedly, when the power is restored, the thin client will be powered. This setting is useful in a kiosk environment.

Once an AutoPower statement is processed, it alters the behavior of the thin client until a countermanding statement is processed. The effect of an AutoPower=yes statement continues even if the statement is removed from the INI file in which it was found.

Use of the AutoPower option does not interfere with performing a user directed shutdown.

CCMEnable={yes, no}





[AdvancedConfig={no, yes}]

[CCMDefault={no, yes}]

[Override={no, yes}]

[CAValidation=(yes, no)]

[Discover=(yes, no)]

[IgnoreMqtt=(yes, no)]

From ThinOS 8.4.1 release, these INI parameters are applicable to Wyse 3040 thin client.

CCMEnable — Yes/no option to enable the Cloud Client Manager Agent. Default is no

CCMServer — Specifies a IP address or URL address for the CCM server. Default protocol is HTTPS if "http://" or "https://" is not available. Default port is 443. Once specified, it is saved in the non-volatile memory. Example: CCMEnable=yes CCMServer=http://xxx:8080

GroupPrefix and GroupKey — The options GroupPrefix and GroupKey compose the Group Registration Key of the Cloud Client Manager server. Once specified, it is saved in the non-volatile memory.


The numbers before the dash on the Group Registration key is the GroupPrefix value and the characters to the right of the Group Registration Key is the GroupKey value.

NOTE:The length of GroupPrefix is fixed to four; the length range of GroupKey is from eight to 31 characters.

MQTTServer — Specifies a IP address or URL address for the MQTT server and MQTT port after the : (colon). Once specified, it is saved in the non-volatile memory.

AdvancedConfig — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the Cloud Client Manager server and MQTT server fields in the GUI. If AdvancedConfig=yes is specified, the Cloud Client Manager server and MQTT server fields in the Cloud Client Manager UI will be enabled. See also PRIVILEGE parameters in General Settings for wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files.

CCMDefault — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the Configure Cloud management dialog will display during boot up. If CCMDefault=yes is specified and both the CCMServer and GroupKey are NULL, the Configure Cloud management dialog will display during boot up. Input group code to connect to the default Cloud Client Manager server and default MQTT server. The default CCM server is and default MQTT server is

Override — Default is no. Yes/no option to allow a groupkey from the INI file to override the previous groupkey. If Override=yes is specified, the groupkey from the INI file will override the previous groupkey. The Groupkey can technically be applied in many places. You can configure the group key in order of priority, that is, if #1 is defined it will override #2. Groupkey priority policy is listed below:
  1. Local GUI configuration or groupkey received from CCM in a Group Change command

  2. Defined in INI file "ccmenable=yes groupkey=xxxx"

  3. DHCP Option Tag #199


The Groupkey assigned in DCHP option #199 and INI parameter are only used for first time deployment, that is, they only take effect if CCM is currently disabled or if CCM is enabled but group-key is NULL.

If DCHP is defined and CCM is enabled or not NULL: The CCM Group key in the DHCP is ignored since it is configured manually in local UI or from CCM group change.

If INI is defined and CCM is enabled or not NULL: The CCM Group key in the INI is ignored since it is configured manually in local UI or from CCM group change.


There is an exception in the logic above when the 'override=yes' option is used in INI file. This will make #2 take priority over #1.

For example,
CCMEnable=yes CCMServer=xxx:8080 GroupPrefix=wlab GroupKey=TC-TEST-ENG MQTTServer=xxx:1883 AdvancedConfig=yes Override=yes

For detailed instructions on how to configure CCM in a wnos.ini file to enable the CCM Agent on supported ThinOS clients, refer to Knowledge Base Solution #23875, go to the Knowledge Base at and search for 23875.

CAValidation—If the option is set to yes, then the CCM agent will check the certificate when connected to https server. Default value is yes.

Discover— If the option is set to yes, then the CCM agent will discover the CCM server, MQTT server and CA validation from DNS Record. Default value is yes.

IgnoreMqtt—If IgnoreMqtt=yes is specified, CCM agent will not connect to MQTT server. Default value is no.

DefaultUser={username, $SYS_VAR}

[Display={yes, no}]


Specifies the default sign-on user. See System Variables for a list of system variables for $SYS_VAR.

Display—If the value is set to yes, the username field in sign-on window will be displayed. By default the value is set to no and the field will be obscured with asterisks (*).

disable— If the value is set to yes, the user name field in sign-on window is disabled.

Password=<sign-on password>


[encrypt={no, yes}]

Password— Specifies the password as the sign-on password. There is no minimum length. The maximum length is 64 characters.

In wnos.ini this sets as the default password. The system will sign on automatically and not wait for username, password, and domain entries.

Disable—If the value is set to yes, the password field in sign-on window is disabled. Default is no.

encrypt - The default value is no. The options are used to enable or disable an encrypted string for a password in the INI file instead of clear text. If the value is set to yes, the password in the INI is an encrypt string instead of clear text.

DisableButton={no, yes}

[DisableRestart={yes, no}]

Default is no.

Yes/no option to disable the power button.

If you set the option DisableRestart=yes, the radio button Restart the system in shutdown window is disabled. These settings are saved permanently and the default value is no.

NOTE:Supported on Wyse 3010 thin client with ThinOS (T10) and Wyse 3020 thin client with ThinOS (T10D) only.

EnableCacheIni is no longer supported and cannot be used on platforms other than the Wyse 3010 thin client with ThinOS (T10). On platforms other than the Wyse 3010 thin client with ThinOS (T10), EnableCacheIni is replaced by the MirrorFileServer parameter, see MirrorFileServer parameter in General Settings for wnos.ini Files Only. Use EnableCacheIni on Wyse 3010 thin client with ThinOS platform (T10) only. This is because there is no local flash on Wyse 3010 thin client with ThinOS (T10) platform, and the MirrorFileServer parameter is not supported on it.

EnableGKey={yes, no}

Default is yes.

Yes/no option to enable G key reset. G key reset is supported for Privilege=High in the NVRAM.

Exit={yes, no, all}

Default is yes.

Specifies the INI file processing.

yes — Processing returns to the prior INI file on the next line after $include.

no — There is no operation.

all — All INI file processing is exited.

Include=<$mac.ini file or {username}.ini file> <$MAC.ini> Loads /wnos/inc/mac-address.ini.

The file name does not include the symbol : in the mac address. See also the Exit parameter for information on how to terminate Include. <{username}.ini> Loads /wnos/inc/{username}-address.ini.

The file name does not include the symbol : in the {username} address. See also the Exit parameter for information on how to terminate Include.

MirrorFileServer={no, yes}

Default is no.

Yes/no option to enable the cache all server files functionality. This enables the cache all server files such as INI files, wallpaper, bitmap, font, local messages and so on to the local flash when files are changed in the file server. ThinOS would use the cached files when files on the file server are unavailable.

NOTE:S10 is not supported
RootPath=<file server root path>

This file server root path is entered into thin client local setup (non-volatile memory). The thin client immediately uses this path to access files. The directory name \wnos will be appended to the file server root path entry before use.


[reboot={no, yes}]

TerminalName — Name of the client comprising a 15-character string. It can also be configured with system variables. Basically all the variables can be used except $TN (recursive), $UN, $PW, $DN. However, these are not yet available when parsing wnos.ini. Additionally combinations like xy$mac, sz$tnxyz etc are supported.

reboot — Default is no. Yes/no option to reboot the thin client if the terminal name is changed.

TimeZone=<zone value>

[ManualOverride={no, yes}]

[daylight={no, yes}]

[start=MMWWDD end=MMWWDD]



TimeZone — Specifies the time zone if the zone is unspecified on the thin client or is used with ManualOverride. Supported zone values s are listed in the System Preference dialog box on the thin client and in TimeZone Parameter: Values.


The TimeZone parameter is dependent on the TimeServer=parameter. If a time server is not defined, the client CMOS/BIOS internal clock will be used as a reference.

ManualOverride — Default is no. Yes/no option to override the thin client System Preference Menu setting with this TimeZone setting. TimeZone settings in the wnos.ini file will be saved into NVRAM if EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini file.

Daylight — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable daylight saving time; MMWWDD is a 6 digit number to specify the start and the end of daylight saving time.

NOTE:The Start and End options are in the MMWWDD format, where:

MM = Month of the year. Values are 01 to 12 for the months of the year from January to December. For example, 01 = January, 12 = December

WW = Week of the Month. Values are 01 to 05 for the week of the month, 05 is the last week. For example, 01 = 1st week, 05 = the last week of the month.

DD = Day of the week. Values are 01 to 07 for the day in the week from Monday to Sunday. For example, 01 = Monday, 07 = Sunday.


For the 2013 year, DST dates are Sunday, March 10, 2:00am and ends Sunday, November 3, 2:00am.

TimeZoneName — Display name sent to the ICA/RDP session such as Eastern Standard Time.

DayLightName — Display name for daylight saving time. If daylight saving time is enabled, DayLightName should be named something similar to Eastern Daylight Time, otherwise it should be the same as TimeZoneName.

To configure daylight saving time for an RDP session, you must enable the Allow Time Zone Redirection function. Use the following guidelines:
  1. Run gpedit.msc to open the Group Policy dialog box.
  2. Click Computer Configuration in the Local Computer Policy tree, and expand the Administrative Templates folder.

  3. Expand the Windows Components folder, and then expand the Terminal Services folder.

  4. Click Client/Server data redirection to open the Setting list.

  5. Right-click Allow Time Zone Redirection and select Properties to open the Allow Time Zone Redirection Properties dialog box.

  6. Select the Enabled option, and then click OK.

  7. Close the Group Policy dialog box.

Overall example:

TimeZone="GMT – 08:00"
ManualOverride=yes Daylight=Yes
Start=030107 End=110107
TimeZoneName="Pacific Standard Time"
DayLightName="Pacific Daylight Time"

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