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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 8.5 Hotfix INI Reference Guide


General Settings for wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files

Table 5 contains the parameters used for configuring general settings. The underlined values are defaults.

Table 1. General Settings: wnos.ini files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files


* Global overrides identically-named user profile

** After sign off, user profile returns to global value


AdminMode={no, yes}

[admin-username=<encrypted_ username>]

[admin-password=<encrypted_ password>]





AdminMode — Default is no. Yes/no option to use the username and the password to obtain a high thin client configuration when the privilege parameter level is set to high (Privilege=high).

admin-username — Specifies if admin-username=encrypted_username, then encrypted strings are used for admin-username; no minimum length; maximum length is 30 characters—15 characters convert to 30 characters encrypted.

admin-password — Specifies if admin-password=encrypted_password, then encrypted strings are used for admin-password; no minimum length; maximum length is 30 characters—15 characters convert to 30 characters encrypted.

Enc-username — Specifies if the username is encrypted, and encrypted strings are used for the Enc-username.

Enc-password — Specifies if the password is encrypted, and encrypted strings are used for the Enc-password.


The AdminMode items are on the right-click menu.

username — Specifies the username; no minimum length; maximum length is 15 characters.

password — Specifies the password; no minimum length; maximum length is 15 characters.

BootOrder={PXE, HardDisk, USB}

BootOrder — Sets the boot order for the BIOS. The boot order must follow these rules:

  1. The boot order is a list of these three options separated by a semi-colon (;) or a comma (,).

  2. Every option must be used.

  3. The options must be different.

For example, the following settings are valid:

However, the following settings are invalid:


If the first boot order is not HardDisk, the system restart will boot from the BIOS setting.

BootpDisable={no, yes}

Default is no.

BootpDisable — Yes/no option to disable BOOTP requests. ThinOS supports both DHCP and BOOTP to obtain the network configurations. In the first two attempts, only DHCP is requested. Then, both DHCP and BOOTP are requested.

For some environments, BOOTP requests will delay obtaining the IP from the DHCP server. Set BootpDisable=yes will only perform a DHCP request. This setting is only valid after the next reboot.


[encrypt={no, yes}]

CmosPassword — Specifies the BIOS password on supported platforms; string up to 8 characters (Wyse 5010 thin client with ThinOS (D10D), Wyse 5010 thin client with PCoIP (D10DP), Wyse 5060 thin client with ThinOS, Wyse 5060 thin client with PCoIP, and Wyse 7010 thin client with ThinOS (Z10D).

encrypt — Default is yes. If encrypt=yes, an encrypted string is used as a password and the password is encoded by Dell Wyse encrypt tool.

CustomInfo={yes, no}






Yes/no option to configure or store custom information. If CustomInfo=yes, the custom information configured by the following options will be stored into NVRAM. If CustomInfo=no, the custom information in NVRAM will be cleared.

For example:

CustomInfo=yes custom1=11 custom2=2 custom3=3 location=wyse contact=peter
NOTE:Maximum length is 32 characters.
**DeskColor=”rrr ggg bbb”

Default is “16 100 36”; where DeskColor =“16 100 36” (green) is the default.

Specifies the desktop background color in RGB string format that must be enclosed in quotes, where rrr, ggg, and bbb are decimal numbers in the rage of 0 to 255. When using this parameter in a wnos.ini file, it will be saved to NVRAM if EnableLocal is set to yes in the wnos.ini file.


The MirrorFileServer parameter also supports the DeskColor parameter.

**Desktop=bitmap file

[Layout={center, tile, stretch}]

[IconTextColor="rrr ggg bbb"]

Desktop — Specifies a bitmap file to be used as wallpaper for the local desktop. This file could be a 4-bit, 8-bit, or 24-bit BMP file or a standard GIF file or a standard JPEG file. The file must be located in the FTP server wnos\bitmap directory. Default is Wyse wallpaper. To disable the parameter, leave value blank (Desktop=wysedefault).

Layout — Default is stretch. Specifies the arrangement on the desktop background of the bitmap file specified by the Desktop parameter, if auto dial-up is set, Layout is invalid.

For center, the image is placed in the center of the desktop without image size change. For tile, the image is replicated across the desktop. For stretch, the image is modified to fill the desktop.


In dual-monitor mode, the wallpaper is replicated and specified separately for each monitor, instead of being shared by the two monitors.

IconTextColor — Specifies the icon text color in RGB string format that must be enclosed in quotes, where rrr, ggg and bbb are decimal numbers in the range of 0 to 255.


[Action={extract, restore}]


[encrypt={no, yes}]

[BootOrder={PXE, HardDisk, USB}]

[WakeOnLan={yes, no}]

[AutoPower={yes, no}]

[BootFromUSB={yes, no}]

[USBController={yes, no}]

[COMController={yes, no}]

[PopupMenu={yes, no}]

[OnboardAudio={yes, no}]

[Bluetooth={yes, no}]

CMOS management (extract and restore cmos settings).

Extract — For extract action, CMOS content is saved to the file: $PF_cmos.$VER .

$PF - Is the name of the platform, including C10, C00, R10, R00, and VL10.

$VER - Is the version of the BIOS, such as 1.0B_SPC001(1.0B_SPC001-0407), 1.0B-0407(Zilch), 1.0H_SPC-0T51(R10, R00), 1.19R(VL10).

Wyse ThinOS log: "CMOS: extract to $PF_cmos.$VER"

Restore — For restore action, CMOS content is updated from the file:


Wyse ThinOS log: "CMOS: restore from $PF_cmos.$VER"

When using this feature, there should be a special INI user name such as cmos. The associated ini/cmos.ini should include one line as Device=cmos Action=extract.
NOTE:Do not include Device=cmos Action=extract in a global INI file such as wnos.ini, as it will take no effect if it is included in the global INI file.

After the administrator configures the CMOS on a template unit, the administrator should sign on to the cmos account on ThinOS to have the CMOS content saved to the cmos file on a writable File Server wnos directory.

Then, the wnos.ini should be configured with Device=CMOS action=restore, so that all target units will be updated with the same CMOS setting as the template unit after reboot.

Once the restore action is finished, both the Device=cmos Action=extract and Device=CMOS action=restore should be removed from the related INI files.

The usage of other settings is self-explanatory. The only condition to use the settings is the BIOS GUI should have such settings.


vid_pid={device vid/pin hex format}

Specify the WTOS to trace USB device data to ftp or USB disk. For "vid_pid", device Vendor ID and Product ID hex value, and VID is high 16 bit while Product ID is low 16 bit.

Allows to trace maximum of eight devices at one time. For "max_len", set a max len for capturing each USB transfer data. Default value is 128. After you set this, you need to set option in Trouble shooting to start tracing the USB device data.

FactoryDefault={no, yes}

Default is no.

Yes/no option to reset the system settings to factory default. This parameter, when set to yes, is only initialized once for each firmware change; however, you can set to no and then reboot so the option will be initialized again.


If the FactoryDefault parameter value is changed to yes, the thin client will reboot without notice to the user.


For {username}.ini file only. Specifies to include another INI file at the position of this parameter. Only one level of including is allowed (no nesting) and only for a {username}.ini file.

KeySequence={no, yes}

[Ctrl+Alt+Del={no, yes}]

[Ctrl+Alt+Up={no, yes}]

[Ctrl+Alt+Down={no, yes}]

[Ctrl+Alt+Left={no, yes}]

[Ctrl+Alt+Right={no, yes}]


KeySequence — Yes/no option to enable the following supported combined keys options.

KeySequence=yes enables all of these options, each having a default of yes or no as noted that you can change individually to the setting desired.

KeySequence=no disables all of these options regardless of the individual settings.

Ctrl+Alt+Del — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Del to lock the thin client if the user is logged in with a password. If the user is logged in without a password, this key sequence does not work.

Ctrl+Alt+Up — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Up to toggle a session between fullscreen and window mode.

Ctrl+Alt+Down — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Down to toggle between task selections.

Ctrl+Alt+Left — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow to lock the thin client if the user is logged in with a password. If the user is logged in without a password, this key sequence does not work.

Ctrl+Alt+Right — Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow to lock the thin client if the user is logged in with a password. If the user is logged in without a password, this key sequence does not work.

Win+L — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable use of Win+L key to lock the client.



[Charset={ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-7}]

[ImageSuffix={us, fr, de, gb, b5, jp, ko, la, default]

Language — Specifies the keyboard language to use. Once specified in a wnos.ini file, it is saved in non-volatile memory. The code used must be exactly the same as the character string shown in the keyboard language list below.

ManualOverride— If you set ManualOverride=yes, all the parameters are only valid in factory default. It is helpful to configure keyboard setting manually in case of multiple nationalities within a company. This option must be following Language=code statement.

Charset — Specifies which ISO option to use:

ISO-8859-1— This is Default. Supports part 1 of the standard character encoding of the Latin alphabet.

ISO-8859-2 — Supports the Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovenian languages on the desktop display.

ISO-8859-5 — Supports Cyrillic characters on the desktop display.

ISO-8859-7 — Supports the Greek language on the desktop display.

Keyboard Language List — Description and Code

Arabic (Saudi Arabia) — Ar_sau

Arabic (Iraq) — Ar_ira

Arabic (Egypt) — Ar_egy

Arabic (Libya) — Ar_lib

Arabic (Algeria) — Ar_alg

Arabic (Morocco) — Ar_mor

Arabic (Tunisia) — Ar_tun

Arabic (Oman) — Ar_oma

Arabic (Yemen) — Ar_yem

Arabic (Syria) — Ar_syr

Arabic (Jordan) — Ar_jor

Arabic (Lebanon) — Ar_leb

Arabic (Kuwait) — Ar_kuw

Arabic (U.A.E.) — Ar_uae

Arabic (Bahrain) — Ar_bah

Arabic (Qatar) — Ar_qat

Brazilian — Br

Canadian Multilingual — ca_ml

Chinese (Simplified) — Gb

Chinese (Traditional) — b5

Croatian — Croat

Czech — Cz

Czech (Qwerty) — Cz_q

Danish — Dk

Dutch — Nl

Dutch (Belgian) — Nl_be

Dutch (Belgian Comma) — Nl_be_c

English (3270 Australian) — au3270

English (Australian) — Au

English (New Zealand) — Nz

English (United Kingdom) — Uk

English (United States) (default) — Us

Estonian (Estonia) — Et_ee

Finnish — Fi

French (Belgian) — fr_be

French (Belgian Comma) — fr_be_c

French (Canadian) — fr_ca

French (France) — Fr

French (Swiss) — fr_sf

German — De

German (IBM) — de_ibm

German (Swiss) — de_sg

Greek — el

Hungarian — Hu

Icelandic — Is

Italian — It

Italian (Swiss) — it142

Latvian (Latvia) — lv_lv

Latvian (Qwerty) — lv_lv_q

Lithuanian (Standard) — lt_lt

Lithuanian (IBM) — lt_lt_i

Lithuanian (MS) — lt_lt_m

Japanese — Jp

Japanese_109a — Jp_109a

Korean — Ko

Korean (MS-IME2002) — ko_ime

Norwegian — No

Polish (214) — Pl

Polish Programmers — pl_prog

Portuguese — Pt

Portuguese (Brazil) — Pt2

Romanian — Ro

Russian — Ru

Slovakian — Slovak

Slovakian (Qwerty) — sk_q

Slovenian — Sloven

Spanish — Es

Spanish (Mexican) English — La(us)

Spanish (Mexican) Localized — La

Swedish — Se

Turkish — Turk

Turkish (QWERTY) — turk_q

U.S. International — us_int


Japanese refers to Japanese Input system (MS-IME2000), not JP. Russian keyboard is supported for server input; it is not supported to input locally.

ImageSuffix — Localization builds have different suffixes according to the keyboard language as follows:

jp (Japanese)

gb (Simplified Chinese)

b5 (Traditional Chinese)

ko (Korean)

la (Spanish Mexican)

By default, with the above keyboard languages, the system will update the standard image according to the suffixes with the language code. With other keyboard languages, the system will update the standard image without the suffix specified.

For example, if you set Language=jp, the system will update the image named which is the Japanese localization build. If you set Language=us, the system will update the image named C10_wnos. The option ImageSuffix can specify the suffix of the image name when you do not want the default behavior.


[load={yes | no}]

Locale — Specifies the system language. Locale changes the language for the user logon-experience screens only displayed during boot-up and logon and not the configuration or administrator screens.

Values include: English, us, French, fr, German, de, Chinese Simplified, gb, Chinese Traditional, b5, Japanese, jp, Korean, ko, Latin, la.

load=yes/no specifies whether or not to load the language file. The language file must end with the locale name and be placed under the folder wnos/locale in the file server.


For example, if you want to specify French and load the localized messages, you must place a file named French.msg under the folder wnos/locale in the file server, and then add Locale=French load=yes in the INI file. You can use Local=fr instead of Locale=French.


For Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese, and Korean localization, a font file must also be placed under the folder wnos/font in the file server.

For example, if you want to specify the system language to be Japanese, you must place a file named Japanese.msg under the folder wnos/locale in the file server, place a file named Japanese.fnt under the folder wnos/font in the file server, and then add Locale=Japanese load=yes in the INI file.

If you are under a Wyse maintenance contract, you can download .fnt and .msg files from your My Downloads page in the Self-Service Center.

If you are not under maintenance and wish to gain access to these files, you must complete a product registration.


LocaleList — Specifies a list of locale, so that a user can switch the system language as needed.

Values include: English, us, French, fr, German, de, Chinese Simplified, gb, Chinese Traditional, b5, Japanese, jp, Korean, ko, Latin, la.

All the values will be displayed in the GUI. To view the GUI, click System Preference > General > Locale. Be sure to place the necessary files, for example German.msg, Japanese.msg, Japanese.fnt, and so on under the correct folders as described in the Locale parameter description.

**Password=<sign-on password>

[encrypt={no, yes}]

Specifies the password as the sign-on password; no minimum length; maximum length is 64 characters.

In a wnos.ini file — If set to the default password, the system will sign on automatically and not wait for username, password, and domain entries.

In a [username].ini file — Be sure it is the encrypted password of the user or the system will fail to sign on. This can be changed by a user, if allowed, in the Sign-on dialog box.

encrypt — Default is no. Yes/no option to use an encrypted string for a password in the INI file instead of clear text. If encrypt=yes, the password in the INI is an ecrypted string instead of cleartext . For example:



** PRIVILEGE=[None, Low, High]

[LockDown= {no, yes}]

[HideSysInfo={no, yes}]

[HidePPP={no, yes}]

[HidePN={no, yes}]

[HideConnectionManager={no, yes}]

[EnableNetworkTest={no, yes}]

[EnableTrace={no, yes}]

[ShowDisplaySettings={no, yes}]

[EnableKeyboardMouseSettings={no, yes}]

[KeepDHCPRequestIP={no, yes}]

[SuppressTaskBar={no, yes, auto}]

[EnablePrinterSettings={no, yes}]

[CoreDump={ide, disabled]

[EnableNetworkSetup={yes, no}]

[DisableNetworkOptions={yes, no}]


[DisableTerminalName={yes, no}]

[DisableSerial={yes, no}]

[DisableRotate={yes, no}]

[DisableChangeDateTime={yes, no}]

[EnableVPNManager={yes, no}]

[TrapReboot={yes, no}]

[EnableCancel={yes, no}]

Default is high.

Privilege controls operator privileges and access to thin client resources. See also CCMEnable={yes, no}.

None — This level of access is typical for kiosk or other restricted-use deployment. The System Setup selection on the desktop menu is disabled and the Setup submenu is not displayed. The Connect Manager is disabled by default.

The Connect Manager can be enabled by using the HideConnectionManager=no option, however, the user cannot create a new connection or edit an existing connection. The user cannot reset the thin client to factory defaults.

Low — This access level is assigned to a typical user. The Network selection on the Setup submenu is disabled and the Network Setup dialog box cannot be opened. The user cannot reset the thin client to factory defaults.

High — Administrator access level allows all thin client resources to be available with no restrictions. A user can reset to factory defaults.


If None or Low is used, the Network Setup dialog box is disabled. If it is necessary to access this dialog box and the setting None or Low is not saved into NVRAM, remove the network connector and reboot.

LockDown — Default isno. Yes/no option to allow lockdown of the thin client. If yes is specified, the system saves the privilege level in flash. If no is specified, the system clears the privilege level from flash to the default unlocked state.


If the thin client is set to LockDown without a High privilege level, it will disable the G key reset on power-up.

LockDown can be used to set the default privilege of the thin client. For example

  • If LockDown=yes, then the privilege is saved in permanent registry.
  • if LockDown=no, then the privilege level is set to the default high in the permanent registry.

    That is, the system has a default high privilege level, which is stored in the permanent registry.
  • If you do not specify a privilege in either the wnos.ini file or the {username}.ini file or the network is unavailable, the setting of LockDown will take effect. It can be modified by a clause.

    For example, privilege=<none|low|high>lockdown=yes in a wnos.ini file or a {username}.ini file sets the default privilege to the specified level.

HideSysInfo — Default is no. Yes/no option to hide the System Information from view.

HidePPP — Default is no. Yes/no option to hide the Dialup Manager, PPPoE Manager, and PPTP Manager from view.

HidePN — Default is no. Yes/no option to hide the PNAgent or PNLite icon from view on the taskbar.

HideConnectionManager — Default is no. Yes/no option to hide the Connect Manager window from view.


As stated earlier, although the Connect Manager is disabled by default if Privilege=none, the Connect Manager can be enabled by using HideConnectionManager=no; however, the user cannot create a new connection or edit an existing connection.

EnableNetworkTest — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the Network Test.

EnableTrace — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable trace functionality. The active items are added to the desktop right-click menu in Privilege=Highlevel.

ShowDisplaySettings — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the Display Settings in a popup menu.

EnableKeyboardMouseSettings. Yes/no option to enable the keyboard and mouse configuration preferences.

KeepDHCPREquest — Default is no. Yes/no option to keep the same IP address that is requested from the DHCP server after a request fails and does not invoke the Network Setup dialog box.

SuppressTaskBar — Default is no. Yes/no/auto option to hide the taskbar. If set to auto the taskbar will automatically hide/display the taskbar.

When using this parameter in a wnos.ini file, it will be saved to NVRAM if EnableLocal is set to yes in the wnos.ini file.

EnablePrinterSettings — Default isno. Yes/no option to enable printer configurations when a user Privilege=None.

CoreDump — The option CoreDump=disabled will disable the core dump function.

EnableNetworkSetup — This option is used to enable and disable the network setup.

DisableNetworkOptions — This option is used to enable and disable the network options.

EnableSystemPreferences — This option is used to enable and disable the system preferences.

DisableTerminalName— This option is used to enable and disable the terminal name.

DisableSerial — This option is used to enable and disable the serial table in peripherals.

DisableRotate — If the optional DisableRotate=yes is set, the rotate setting in the display setup will be disabled. This is only valid for C class clients because the rotation performance in C class may not be desirable.


If the optional EnableNetworkSetup=yes is set with Privilege={none, low}, the network setup will be enabled.

If the optional DisableNetworkOptions=yes is set at the same time, the Options table will be disabled.

If the optional EnableSystemPreferences=yes is set with Privilege={none, low}, the system preferences setup will be enabled.

If the optional DisableTerminalName=yes is set at the same time, the terminal name field will be disabled.

If the optional DisableSerial=yes is set with Privilege={none, low}, the serial table in peripherals setup will be enabled.

DisableChangeDateTime— If the optional DisableChangeDateTime is set, the function of changing date and time locally will be disabled. For example, if you right-click the time label in taskbar, nothing is displayed. The Change Date and Time button in System Preference will be invisible.

EnableVPNManager—If the optional EnableVPNManager=yes is set with Privilege={none, low}, the VPN Manager setup is enabled.

TrapReboot— If the optional TrapReboot=yes is set, client reboots after the execution of the trap.

EnableCancel— If the optional EnableCancel=yes is set with Privilege={none, low}, the counter down window for reboot or shutdown can be cancelled. The default value is no.

For example, set the following ini,


AutoSignoff=yes Shutdown=yes


Privilege=none EnableCancel=yes.

After no mouse and keyboard input in 1 minute, the system will pop up a counter down window to shut down in 30 seconds. You can cancel it.

**ScreenSaver=value{0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30}

[LockTerminal={0, 1, 2, 3}]

[Type={0, 1, 2, 3}]





[PictureLayout={stretch, tile, center}]


Screensaver— Specifies to put the thin client in a screensaver state when the time limit for inactivity is reached, that is delay before starting is reached.

Default value is 10. Value and delay before starting the screensaver:

0 — Disabled

1 — 1 Minute

5 — 5 Minutes

10 — 10 Minutes

15 — 15 Minutes

30 — 30 Minutes

The default screen saver value is 10 minutes and the maximization value is 30 minutes.

LockTerminal— This is an optional parameter and specifies to put the thin client in LOCK state when the screen saver is activated. Default is 0.

0 — Disabled.

1 — Puts the thin client in a LOCK state when the screen saver is activated. The user is prompted with an unlock dialog box to enter the sign-on password to unlock the thin client. LockTerminal settings are saved into NVRAM if LockTerminal=1 and EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini file.

2— Puts the thin client in a LOCK state when the screen saver is activated, however, the unlock dialog box cannot be viewed and the desktop uses Blank the Screen as the screensaver.

3— Puts the thin client in a LOCK state when the screen saver is activated, and the username and password are needed to unlock the terminal. The Password field in the Unlocking window is invisible.

When you click OK or press the Return key, a message box pops up to input the username and password to unlock the terminal.


The user must be signed on with a password for a Lock action to take effect. If set in KeySequence, users can lock the thin client at any time by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow or Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow.

Type — Specifies which type of screensaver to use.

0 — Blank the Screen

1 — Flying Bubbles

2 — Moving Image

3 — Showing Pictures

Imagefile — This is an optional parameter and specifies an image file residing in the bitmap sub-folder under the home folder to be used as a Moving Image screensaver.

If Type is set to 2 and no image file is present then the default Dell Wyse logo is used.

If Type is set to 3, pictures residing in picture subfolder under the home folder are displayed.

If SelectGroup=yes, then the pictures residing in the picture subfolder under the group folder are displayed. For example,
If group pictures do not exist, global pictures are used. Supported formats include JPG, GIF, PNG and BMP.

PictureTimer — Specifies the interval to wait in seconds to display another picture. Default value is 6 seconds.

PictureOrder — Specifies the order of picture files to display. The default is to use the order of sort from A to Z. If set to random, pictures are displayed randomly.

PictureCheck — Specifies whether to check for picture files servers or not.


If set to always, the picture files in file servers are checked when the screen saver starts every time. By default, the system checks for picture files only when the screen saver starts for the first time to decrease network traffic.

PictureLayout— The optional parameteris used to specify the arrangement on the desktop when pictures are displayed. For the tile selection, the image is replicated across the desktop. For the center selection, the image is placed at the center of the desktop without any image size change. For the stretch selection, the image is either expanded or shrinked to fill the desktop. The default value is stretch.

Sleep—The optional parameter is used to specify the interval minutes to stop soft screen saver and turn off monitor. After the specified minutes, since software screen saver starts up, the software screen saver is stopped and turns off the monitor until screen saver is off. The value range is 0 to 180. The value 0 is default which disables this function.

Shutdown={standby, turnoff}

Default is standby.

Specifies the system state when shutting down the unit. If set to standby, the ThinOS system is suspended. When the unit starts up, it is resumed. It does not go to the BIOS and thus turns on quickly.

If set to turnoff, the system is turned off. When the unit starts up, it first starts the BIOS then ThinOS.

**ShutdownCount={0 to 60} (seconds)


**ShutdownCounter={0 to 60} (seconds)

ShutdownCount or ShutdownCounter — Specifies the number of seconds to count down before the shutdown sequence starts upon using the thin client power button when there are active sessions.

The default value is 10, however, to commence shutdown immediately and prevent the display of the countdown dialog box, set the value to 0.

ShutdownInfo={no, yes}

Yes/no option to display various information such as System Version, Terminal Name, IP Address, and MAC Address in shutdown window.

S10WDMFlash=flash size

Specifies the flash size. This value will be saved into NVRAM and then eported to the WDM server.


This statement guarantees that all S10 thin clients function with DDC regardless of flash size.


[TimeFormat={24-hour format, 12-hour format}]

[DateFormat={yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy}]

[GetBiosDT={no, yes}]

TimeServer — Specifies the SNTP time servers to use for time retrieval. If a time server is not defined, the client CMOS/BIOS internal clock will be used as a reference.

TimeFormat — Default is24-hour format. Specifies the time format to use.

DateFormat — Default is yyyy/mm/dd. Specifies the date format to use.


The TimeFormat and DateFormat settings in a wnos.ini file will be saved into NVRAM if EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini file.

GetBiosDT — Default isno. Yes/no option to obtain time from BIOS/CMOS when the timeserver is not available or cannot be contacted.

For Example:\TimeFormat=24-hour formatDateFormat=mm/dd/yyyy

TimeFormat=24-hour format\
WakeOnLAN={yes, no}

Default is yes.

Wake-on-LAN allows a thin client to be turned on or woken up by a network message.

If WakeOnLAN=yes, ThinOS will respond for the Wake-On-LAN packet for a remote wake up.

If WakeOnLAN=no, ThinOS will not respond for the Wake-On-LAN packet.


To use the WakeOnLAN parameter with a C10, the C10 must use BIOS version 1.0B_SPC001 or later.

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