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Dell SmartFabric OS10 Installation, Upgrade, and Downgrade Guide


Upgrade OS10 on VLT nodes with minimal traffic loss

This section describes the steps to upgrade OS10 on VLT peer nodes with minimal traffic loss.

NOTE:The default X.509v3 certificates that are used for VLT convergence expire on July 27, 2021. See Dell SmartFabric OS10 certificate expiration and recommended action for additional information before you start the VLT upgrade procedure.

Summary of Upgrade Steps

  1. Download the new OS10 image.
  2. Install the image on VLT-Peer1 and VLT-Peer2 nodes.
  3. Upgrade the secondary VLT node. The production traffic is not affected during this process because the primary VLT node continues to forward traffic.
  4. After the secondary VLT node upgrade is complete, upgrade the primary VLT node. During the primary VLT node upgrade, the system reloads. During this reload, the secondary VLT node becomes the primary and continues to forward traffic.

The following describes the VLT upgrade process:

VLT leaf-spine topology

In this example topology:

  • VLT-Peer1 and VLT-Peer2 are leaf nodes that are connected to the spine switch through port channel 10.
  • Host1 is connected to both the VLT peer nodes through port channel 20.
  • Host2 uses switch-independent NIC teaming.
  • Switch1 is connected to the VLT peer nodes through port channel 30.

Important notes

  1. Download the new software image on both the VLT peer nodes (VLT-Peer 1 and VLT-Peer 2) from the Dell Technologies Support Site. Extract the bin files from the tar file, and save the file in EXEC mode. Download the extracted bin file to the OS10 switch using the image download command.
    image download file-url
    For example:
    VLT-Peer2# image download scp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath
    VLT-Peer1# image download scp://userid:passwd@hostip:/filepath
    NOTE:Some Windows unzip applications insert extra carriage returns (CR) or line feeds (LF) when they extract the contents of a .tar file, which may corrupt the downloaded OS10 binary image. Turn off this option if you use a Windows-based tool to untar an OS10 binary file.
  2. (Optional) View the current software download status in EXEC mode.
    VLT-Peer2# show image status
    Image Upgrade State:     idle
    File Transfer State:     idle
    State Detail:          Completed: No error
    Task Start:            2018-08-16T19:38:37Z
    Task End:              2018-08-16T19:38:44Z
    Transfer Progress:     100 %
    Transfer Bytes:        417828173 bytes
    File Size:             417828173 bytes
    Transfer Rate:         58152 kbps 
    Installation State:      idle
    State Detail:          No install information available
    Task Start:            0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
    Task End:              0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
    VLT-Peer1# show image status
    Image Upgrade State:     idle
    File Transfer State:     idle
    State Detail:          Completed: No error
    Task Start:            2018-08-16T19:41:49Z
    Task End:              2018-08-16T19:42:09Z
    Transfer Progress:     100 %
    Transfer Bytes:        417828173 bytes
    File Size:             417828173 bytes
    Transfer Rate:         21092 kbps 
    Installation State:      idle
    State Detail:          No install information available
    Task Start:            0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
    Task End:              0000-00-00T00:00:00Z 
  3. Install the OS10 image (.bin or .exe) using the image install command on both the VLT peer nodes.
    VLT-Peer2# image install image://PKGS_OS10-Enterprise10.
    Install started.
    VLT-Peer1# image install image://PKGS_OS10-Enterprise10.
    Install started.
  4. Use the show image status command to view the installation status.
    VLT-Peer2# show image status
    Image Upgrade State:     idle
    File Transfer State:     idle
    State Detail:          Completed: No error
    Task Start:            2018-08-16T19:41:49Z
    Task End:              2018-08-16T19:42:09Z
    Transfer Progress:     100 %
    Transfer Bytes:        417828173 bytes
    File Size:             417828173 bytes
    Transfer Rate:         21092 kbps 
    Installation State:      idle
    State Detail:          Completed: Success
    Task Start:            2018-08-16T19:42:59Z
    Task End:              2018-08-16T19:47:19Z 
    VLT-Peer1# show image status
    Image Upgrade State:     idle
    File Transfer State:     idle
    State Detail:          Completed: No error
    Task Start:            2018-08-16T19:38:37Z
    Task End:              2018-08-16T19:38:44Z
    Transfer Progress:     100 %
    Transfer Bytes:        417828173 bytes
    File Size:             417828173 bytes
    Transfer Rate:         58152 kbps 
    Installation State:      idle
    State Detail:          Completed: Success
    Task Start:            2018-08-16T19:40:57Z
    Task End:              2018-08-16T19:45:16Z
  5. Change the boot partition to standby on VLT-Peer2.
    VLT-Peer2# boot system standby
  6. Save the configuration to startup-configuration. Optionally obtain a backup of the startup configuration in EXEC mode on VLT-Peer2.
    VLT-Peer2# write memory
    VLT-Peer2# copy config://startup.xml config://<backup file name>
  7. Reload VLT-Peer2.
    VLT-Peer2# reload
  8. Wait for VLT-Peer2 to come up. VLT adjacency is established. VLT-Peer2 becomes the secondary node. Wait until VLT-Peer2 starts to forward traffic after the delay-restore timer expires. To check the delay-restore timer value, enter the show vlt domain-id command.
    VLT-Peer2# show vlt 100
    Domain ID                  : 100
    Unit ID                    : 2
    Role                       : secondary
    Version                    : 2.3
    Local System MAC address   : 0c:33:d1:73:ee:00
    Role priority              : 32768
    VLT MAC address            : 0c:33:d1:e7:5e:00
    IP address                 : fda5:74c8:b79e:1::2
    Delay-Restore timer        : 90 seconds
    Remaining Restore time     : 80 seconds
    Peer-Routing               : Disabled
    When the delay-restore timer expires, the system generates a syslog message similar to the following one:
    <165>1 2021-02-24T02:29:29.296791+00:00 host1 dn_alm 881 - - Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [event], Dell (OS10) %VLT_DELAY_RESTORE_COMPLETE: VLT delay restore timer stop
  9. Change the boot partition to standby on VLT-Peer1.
    VLT-Peer1# boot system standby
  10. Save the configuration to startup-configuration. Optionally obtain a backup of the startup configuration in EXEC mode on VLT-Peer1.
    VLT-Peer1# write memory
    VLT-Peer1# copy config://startup.xml config://<backup file name>
  11. Reload VLT-Peer1.
    VLT-Peer1# reload
  12. Wait for VLT-Peer1 to come up. VLT adjacency is established. VLT-Peer1 becomes the secondary node. Wait until VLT-Peer1 starts to forward traffic after the delay-restore timer expires.
    VLT-Peer1# show vlt 100
    Domain ID                  : 100
    Unit ID                    : 2
    Role                       : secondary
    Version                    : 2.3
    Local System MAC address   : 0c:33:d1:73:cd:00
    Role priority              : 32768
    VLT MAC address            : 0c:33:d1:e7:5e:00
    IP address                 : fda5:74c8:b79e:1::2
    Delay-Restore timer        : 90 seconds
    Remaining Restore time     : 80 seconds
    Peer-Routing               : Disabled

Upgrade on VLT peer nodes is now complete. Both the nodes actively forward traffic. After upgrade, VLT-Peer2 is the primary node and VLT-Peer1 is the secondary node.

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