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Dell Command | Update ADMX and GPO Reference Guide


About ADMX and GPO


ADMX (Administrative Template) is a file format that is used to define group policies in Windows. The templates contain information about how settings should be configured and the available options. ADMX files are stored in a central location on a domain controller. The files are used by Group Policy Management Consoles (GPMC) to configure settings on computers in the domain.


GPO (Group Policy Object) is an object in Active Directory that contains group policy settings. The object is essentially a container for policies that can be applied to a specific set of users or computers in a domain. GPOs can be linked to sites, domains, or organizational units (OU) in Active Directory, allowing administrators to apply different policies to different parts of the organization.

Together, ADMX and GPO provide a powerful toolset for managing group policies in Windows environments. ADMX templates define the policies, while GPOs provide a way to apply them to specific users or computers. Administrators can configure settings, restrict access to resources, and enforce security policies across their entire network using ADMX and GPO.


Supported operating systems

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

Supported languages

  • English

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