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Dell ObjectScale 1.3 Administration Guide

ObjectScale S3 error codes

The error codes that can be generated by the ObjectScale S3 are listed in the following table.

Table 1. Error CodesThe following table describes the error codes:
Error Code HTTP Status Code Generic Error Code Description Error
AccessDenied 403 AccessDenied Access Denied
BadDigest 400 BadDigest The Content-MD5 you specified did not match that received.
BucketAlreadyExists 409 BucketAlreadyExists The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.
BucketNotEmpty 409 BucketNotEmpty The bucket you tried to delete is not empty.
ContentMD5Empty 400 InvalidDigest The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid.
ContentMD5Missing 400 InvalidRequest The required Content-MD5 header for this request is missing.
EntityTooSmall 400 EntityTooSmall The proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size.
EntityTooLarge 400 EntityTooLarge The proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size.
IncompleteBody 400 IncompleteBody The number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header were not provided.
InternalError 500 InternalError An internal error was encountered. Please try again.
ServerTimeout 500 ServerTimeout An internal timeout error was encountered. Please try again.
InvalidAccessKeyId 403 InvalidAccessKeyId The Access Key Id you provided does not exist.
InvalidArgument 400 InvalidArgument Invalid Argument.
NoNamespaceForAnonymousRequest 403 AccessDenied ObjectScale could not determine the namespace from the anonymous request. Please use a namespace BaseURL or include an x-emc-namespace header.
InvalidBucketName 400 InvalidBucketName The specified bucket is not valid.
InvalidDigestBadMD5 400 InvalidDigest The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid.
InvalidDigest 403 SignatureDoesNotMatch The Content-MD5 you specified was an invalid.
InvalidRequest 400 InvalidRequest Invalid Request.
InvalidPart 400 InvalidPart One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part might not have been uploaded.
InvalidPartOrder 400 InvalidPartOrder The list of parts was not in ascending order. Parts list must specified in order by part number.
InvalidPartSizeZero 400 InvalidPartSizeZero The upload part size cannot be zero.
MissingEncryption 400 InvalidRequest The multipart upload initiate requested encryption. Subsequent part requests must include the appropriate encryption parameters.
NoEncryptionNeed 400 InvalidRequest The multipart initiate request did not request encryption. Please resend the request without sending encryption parameters.
BadMD5 400 InvalidRequest The calculated MD5 hash of the key did not match the hash that was provided.
BadEncryptKey 400 InvalidRequest The provided encryption parameters did not match the ones used originally.
InvalidRange 416 InvalidRange The requested range cannot be satisfied.
KeyTooLong 400 KeyTooLong The specified key is too long.
MalformedACLError 400 MalformedACLError The XML provided was not well-formed or did not validate against the ObjectScale published schema.
MalformedXML 400 MalformedXML Malformed xml (that does not conform to the published xsd) for the configuration was sent.
MaxMessageLengthExceeded 400 MaxMessageLengthExceeded The request was too big.
MetadataTooLarge 400 MetadataTooLarge The metadata headers exceed the maximum allowed metadata size. *
InvalidProject 400 InvalidProject The specified project is Invalid.
InvalidVPool 400 InvalidVPool The specified vPool (Replication Group) is Invalid.
InvalidNamespace 400 InvalidNamespace The specified namespace is Invalid.
MethodNotAllowed 405 MethodNotAllowed The specified method is not allowed against this resource.
MissingContentLength 411 MissingContentLength The Content-Length HTTP header must be provided.
MissingRequestBodyError 400 MissingRequestBodyError An empty XML document was sent. The error message is: Request body is empty.
MissingSecurityHeader 400 MissingSecurityHeader The equest was missing a required header.
IncompleteLifecycleConfig 400 IncompleteLifecycleConfig At least one action needs to be specified in a rule.
MalformedLifecycleConfig 400 MalformedLifecycleConfig The XML provided was not well-formed or did not validate against the published schema.
MalformedDateLifecycleConfig 400 MalformedDateLifecycleConfig The XML provided was not well-formed or did not validate against the published schema. Invalid Date or Days.
NoSuchBucket 404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.
NoSuchBucketPolicy 404 NoSuchBucketPolicy The bucket policy does not exist.
NoSuchKey 404 NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist.
NoSuchRetention 404 NoSuchRetention The specified retention does not exist.
ObjectUnderRetention 409 ObjectUnderRetention The object is under retention and cannot be deleted or modified.
NoSuchUpload 404 NoSuchUpload The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID might be invalid.
NotImplemented 501 NotImplemented The requested functionality is not implemented.
OperationAborted 409 OperationAborted A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again.
PermanentRedirect 301 PermanentRedirect The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.
PreconditionFailed 412 PreconditionFailed At least one of the preconditions you specified did not hold.
RequestIsNotMultiPartContent 400 RequestIsNotMultiPartContent Bucket POST must be of the enclosure type multipart/form-data.
RequestTimeout 400 RequestTimeout The socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period.
RequestTimeTooSkewed 403 RequestTimeTooSkewed The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large.
DateIsRequired 403 AccessDenied A valid Date or x-amz-date header is required.
SignatureDoesNotMatch 403 SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature calculated does not match the signature provided. Check the Secret Access Key and signing method.
ZeroAmzExpires 403 Forbidden Zero value specified for x-amz-expires.
InvalidAmzExpires 400 Bad Request Invalid value specified for x-amz-expires.
ServiceUnavailable 503 ServiceUnavailable Please reduce your request rate.
TemporaryRedirect 307 TemporaryRedirect Requests are being redirected to the bucket while DNS updates.
TooManyBuckets 400 TooManyBuckets The request attempted to create more buckets than allowed.
UnexpectedContent 400 UnexpectedContent The request does not support this content.
UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress 400 UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress The email address you provided does not match any account on record.
InvalidBucketState 409 InvalidBucketState The request is not valid with the current state of the bucket.
SlowDown 503 SlowDown Please reduce your request rate.
AccountProblem 403 AccountProblem There is a problem with the specified account that prevents the operation from completing successfully.
CrossLocationLoggingProhibited 403 CrossLocationLoggingProhibited Cross location logging is not allowed. Buckets in one geographic location cannot log information to a bucket in another location.
ExpiredToken 400 ExpiredToken The provided token has expired.
IllegalVersioningConfigurationException 400 IllegalVersioningConfigurationException The Versioning configuration specified in the request is invalid.
IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPostRequest 400 IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPostRequest POST requires exactly one file upload per request.
InvalidAddressingHeader 500 InvalidAddressingHeader The specified role must be Anonymous role.
InvalidLocationConstraint 400 InvalidLocationConstraint The specified location constraint is not valid.
InvalidPolicyDocument 400 InvalidPolicyDocument The content of the form does not meet the conditions specified in the policy document.
InvalidStorageClass 400 InvalidStorageClass The storage class you specified is not valid.
InvalidTargetBucketForLogging 400 InvalidTargetBucketForLogging The target bucket for logging does not exist, is not owned by you, or does not have the appropriate grants for the log delivery group.
InvalidToken 400 InvalidToken The provided token is malformed or otherwise invalid.
InvalidURI 400 InvalidURI Unable to parse the specified URI.
MalformedPOSTRequest 400 MalformedPOSTRequest The body of the POST request is not well-formed multipart/form-data.
MaxPostPreDataLengthExceededError 400 MaxPostPreDataLengthExceededError The POST request fields preceding the upload file were too large.
NoLoggingStatusForKey 400 NoLoggingStatusForKey There is no such thing as a logging status subresource for a key.
NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration 404 NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration The lifecycle configuration does not exist.
NoSuchVersion 404 NoSuchVersion Indicates that the version ID specified in the request does not match an existing version.
RequestTorrentOfBucketError 400 RequestTorrentOfBucketError Requesting the torrent file of a bucket is not permitted.
UserKeyMustBeSpecified 400 UserKeyMustBeSpecified The bucket POST must contain the specified field name. If it is specified please check the order of the fields.
AmbiguousGrantByEmailAddress 400 AmbiguousGrantByEmailAddress The email address you provided is associated with more than one account.
BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou 409 BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou The previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.
CredentialsNotSupported 400 CredentialsNotSupported The request does not support credentials.
InlineDataTooLarge 400 InlineDataTooLarge The inline data exceeds the maximum allowed size.
InvalidPayer 403 InvalidPayer All access to this object has been disabled.
TokenRefreshRequired 400 TokenRefreshRequired The provided token must be refreshed.
AccessModeNotSupported 409 AccessModeNotSupported The bucket does not support file access or the requested access mode is not allowed.
AccessModeInvalidToken 409 AccessModeInvalidToken The token for the file access switch request is invalid.
NoSuchBaseUrl 400 NoSuchBaseUrl The specified BaseUrl does not exist.
NoDataStoreForVirtualPool 404 NoDataStoreForVirtualPool No Data Store found for Replication Group of the bucket.
VpoolAccessNotAllowed 400 Cannot AccessVpool Bucket is hosted on a Replication Group that is not accessible from S3.
InvalidCorsRequest 403 InvalidCorsRequest Invalid CORS request.
InvalidCorsRule 400 InvalidCorsRule Invalid CORS rule.
NoSuchCORSConfiguration 404 NoSuchCORSConfiguration The CORS configuration does not exist.
InvalidAclRequest 404 NoACLFound The ACL does not exist.
InsufficientStorage 507 InsufficientStorage The server cannot process the request because there is not enough space on disk.
BadMaxParts 400 InvalidArgument Argument max-parts must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647.
BucketNotFound 404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist.
NotSupported 400 Not Supported The bucket may be locked.
InvalidContentLength 400 Invalid content length The content length has invalid value.
InvalidVersioningRequest 403 Invalid request for version control The bucket is in compliance mode.
InvalidLifeCycleRequest 403 Invalid request for life cycle The bucket is in compliance mode.
RetentionPeriodRequired 400 Invalid request for bucket with compliance The bucket requires a retention period.
Conflict 409 Conflict The bucket may be locked.
MethodForbidden 403 Forbidden Check if quota has been exceeded.
NotAcceptable 406 Content encoding not acceptable The object Content-Encoding does not match requested Accept-Content.
InvalidEncoding 400 Invalid URL enconding The URL encoding used is invalid.
InvalidMetadataQuery 400 Invalid metadata query entered The metadata query entered does not conform to valid syntax
InvalidMetadataSearchList 400 Invalid metadata search list entered A keyname on the request is not a valid indexable key, or the format of the request list is incorrect.
MetadataSearchNotEnabled 405 Metadata search not enabled Metadata search is not enabled for this bucket.
MetadataSearchBadParameter 400 Metadata search invalid parameter used in query Invalid search index key name, sort key name or attribute name value.
MetadataSearchInvalidArgument 400 Metadata search invalid parameter used in query Invalid search index value format or operator used.
MetadataSearchInvalidValuefor Datatype 400 Metadata search key indexing found invalid input value Object operation failed because a user metadata value cannot be converted to its defined datatype.
MetadataOperationNotSupported 405 Metadata search operation not supported Metadata query with both AND and OR logical operators not supported.
MetadataSearchBadSortParameter 400 Metadata search invalid sort parameter The sort parameter has to be present in the query as a search parameter.
MetadataSearchRestriction 400 Buckets that are encrypted or within an encrypted namespace cannot have metadata search enabled Metadata search is mutually exclusive with bucket/namespace encryption.
MetadataSearchTooManyIndexKeys 400 The number of Index keys exceeds the maximum allowed The number of keys to be indexed exceeds the maximum number allowed, try with fewer keys.
InvalidOrNoCustomerProvided EncryptionKey 400 Invalid or no customer provided encryption key No encryption key, or an encryption key that did not match the one in the system, was provided.
DareUnavailable 403 Server side encryption (D@RE) is not supported D@RE JAR/license is unavailable hence server side encryption requests are not supported.
SelfCopyInvalidRequest 400 InvalidRequest The copy request is illegal because it is trying to copy an object to itself without changing the object's metadata or encryption attributes.
OverLappingPrefixes 400 Invalid Request Found overlapping prefixes.
SamePrefix 400 Invalid Request Found two rules with same prefix.
XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch 400 XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch The Content-SHA256 you specified did not match what we received
InvalidJSON 400 InvalidJSON Policies must be valid JSON and the first byte must be {.
InvalidBucketPolicy 400 InvalidBucketPolicy Invalid Bucket Policy.
MalformedPolicy 400 MalformedPolicy Malformed Policy.
MaxIDLengthExceeded 400 InvalidArgument ID length should not exceed allowed limit of 255.
CrossHeadAccessBeforeUpgrade 400 InvalidRequest Cross head access is not supported.
InvalidDate 400 InvalidArgument Date must be no earlier than 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
BadContentLengthRequest 400 RequestTimeout Content-Length specified is not matching with Length of the Content in the body.
IncompatibleNode 500 InternalError The I/O request was sent to the wrong node, please configure client or Load-balancer correctly to route request to the correct node.
InvalidFileNameArgument 400 InvalidArgument Header value cannot be represented using ISO-8859-1.
InvalidPartNumber 400 InvalidPartNumber Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000, inclusive
InvalidTenant 400 TenantNotFound Specified Tenant is Invalid.
Redirect 307 Redirect Temporary redirect.
UrlAmzExpires 403 Forbidden Request has expired
VersioningCannotChange 409 InvalidBucketState An Object Lock configuration is present on this bucket, so the versioning state cannot be changed.
ObjectLockNotEnabled 409 InvalidBucketState Object Lock configuration cannot be enabled on existing buckets
ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError 404 ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError Object Lock configuration does not exist for this bucket
ObjectLockConfigMalformedXML 400 MalformedXML The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema.
ObjectLockConfigInvalidArgument 400 InvalidArgument Default retention period must be a positive integer value.
ObjectLockConfigInvalidArgumentTooLarge 400 InvalidArgument Default retention period too large.
ObjectLockMalformedXML 400 MalformedXML The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema.
ObjectLockConfigurationMissing 400 InvalidRequest Bucket is missing Object Lock Configuration
ObjectLockNoSuchObjectLockConfiguration 404 NoSuchObjectLockConfiguration The specified object does not have a ObjectLock configuration
ObjectLockRetailUntilMustBeInFuture 400 InvalidArgument The retain until date must be in the future!
ObjectLockAccessDenied 403 AccessDenied Access Denied
ObjectLockAndAdo 400 InvalidRequest Object Lock enabled bucket is not compatible with ADO.
ObjectLockAndFsa 400 InvalidRequest Object Lock enabled bucket is not compatible with File System Access.
ObjectLockAccessDeniedNonIAM 403 AccessDenied Only IAM users are supported with object lock enabled buckets.
ObjectLockMissingHeader 400 InvalidArgument x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date and x-amz-object-lock-mode must both be supplied
ObjectLockUnknownModeDirective 400 InvalidArgument Unknown Mode directive.
ObjectLockBadDateFormat 400 InvalidArgument The retain until date must be provided in ISO 8601 format
InvalidVersionId 400 InvalidArgument Invalid version id specified.
AccessModeInvalidToken 409 AccessModeInvalidToken The token for the file access switch request is invalid
UnmodifiedSince 304 Not modified it has not been modified since the specified time
Match 304 Not modified its entity tags (ETag) are not different from the one specified
ObjectRetentionPeriodRequired 400 RetentionPeriodRequired The retention period value is required
ObjectRetentionCannotBeDecreased 400 RetentionCannotBeDecreased The new retention period value must be greater than current
MetadataSearchInvalidQueryMarker 400 InvalidArgument The marker provided is incorrect
InvalidMetadataSearchKeys 400 Invalid metadata key Duplicate metadata key with different type in search list entered
NoContent 204 NoContent
INVALID_CONTINUATION_TOKEN 400 InvalidArgument The continuation token provided is incorrect
ContentTypeMissing 400 InvalidRequest Missing required header for this request:Content-Type
ContentTypeArgMissing 400 InvalidArgument Content-Type missing for object in CopyRangeRequest
CopyModeMissing 400 Bad Request Invalid x-emc-copy-mode value
InvalidCopyPath 400 InvalidCopySource The path of source segment is invalid or not found
InvalidETag 400 InvalidArgument The etag of source segment miss matching
EmptyRequestBody 400 InvalidRequest Empty request body is not allow for copy range API
Invalid_Copy_Range 400 InvalidCopyRange Invalid source object range provide
ACCESS_DENIED_SOURCE_OBJECT 400 InvalidArgument Access denied reading one or more source objects
Max_Copy_Ranges_Exceed 400 MaxMessageLengthExceeded Your request exceeded the maximum number of segments (250).
Invalid_LifeCycle_Version_Config 400 InvalidRequest can't support mixed version lifecycle config
Metadata_Not_Allowed 400 InvalidArgument Metadata cannot be specified in this context
Invalid_Part_Number 416 InvalidPartNumber The requested partnumber is not satisfiable
UnSupportedV2ListingParams 400 InvalidArgument Unsupported query parameter with GET.BUCKET in list-type=2
UnSupportedV1ListingParams 400 InvalidArgument One or more query parameters only supported in GET.BUCKET with list-type=2
InvalidArgumentVersion 400 InvalidArgument Version is not supported in this request
InvalidLifecycleDays 400 InvalidArgument Days for lifecycle action must be a positive integer
InvalidLifecycleRuleId 400 InvalidArgument Rule ID must be unique. Found same ID for more than one rule
Invalid_Index_Granularity 400 InvalidIndexGranularity Invalid value specified for x-emc-index-granularity
MaxLifecycleRulesLimitExceed 400 MalformedXML Number of rules should not exceed allowed limit of 1000
MisMatchDare 400 InvalidRequest Missing Encryption parameters or the one provided does not match the original.
MetadataPrefixSearchBadParameter 400 invalid parameter used in query query on ObjectName not supported with prefix
UnSupportedCopyRangeRequest 403 Forbidden IAM user is not supported for Copy Range API
CastFailed 400 CastFailed Attempt to convert from one data type to another using CAST failed in the SQL expression.
ColumnTooLong 400 ColumnTooLong The length of a column in the result is greater than maxCharsPerColumn of 1 MB.
CSVEscapingRecordDelimiter 400 CSVEscapingRecordDelimiter Quoted record delimiter found in the file. To allow quoted record delimiters, please set AllowQuotedRecordDelimiter to 'TRUE'.
CSVParsingError 400 CSVParsingError Encountered an error parsing the CSV file. Check the file and try again.
CSVUnescapedQuote 400 CSVUnescapedQuote Unescaped quote found while parsing the .csv file. Ensure that AllowQuotedRecordDelimiter is set to 'TRUE' if quoted record delimiters are present.
ExpressionTooLong 400 ExpressionTooLong The SQL expression is too long: The maximum byte-length for the SQL expression is 256 KB.
EvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist 400 EvaluatorBindingDoesNotExist A column name or a path provided does not exist in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorInvalidArguments 400 EvaluatorInvalidArguments Incorrect number of arguments in the function call in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern 400 EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPattern Invalid timestamp format string in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields 400 EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternDuplicateFields Timestamp format pattern contains multiple format specifiers representing the timestamp field in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch 400 EvaluatorTimestampFormatPatternHourClockAmPmMismatch Timestamp format pattern contains a 12-hour hour of day format symbol but doesn't also contain an AM/PM field, or it contains a 24-hour hour of day format specifier and contains an AM/PM field in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing 400 EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbolForParsing Timestamp format pattern contains a valid format symbol that cannot be applied to timestamp parsing in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken 400 EvaluatorUnterminatedTimestampFormatPatternToken Timestamp format pattern contains unterminated token in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken 400 EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternToken Timestamp format pattern contains an invalid token in the SQL expression.
EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol 400 EvaluatorInvalidTimestampFormatPatternSymbol Timestamp format pattern contains an invalid symbol in the SQL expression.
IllegalSqlFunctionArgument 400 IllegalSqlFunctionArgument Illegal argument was used in the SQL function.
InvalidColumnIndex 400 InvalidColumnIndex Column index in the SQL expression is invalid.
InvalidCompressionFormat 400 InvalidCompressionFormat The file is not in a supported compression format. Only GZIP and BZIP2 are supported.
InvalidExpressionType 400 InvalidExpressionType The ExpressionType is invalid. Only SQL expressions are supported.
InvalidFileHeaderInfo 400 InvalidFileHeaderInfo The FileHeaderInfo is invalid. Only NONE, USE, and IGNORE are supported.
InvalidKeyPath 400 InvalidKeyPath Key path in the SQL expression is invalid.
InvalidJsonType 400 InvalidJsonType The JsonType is invalid. Only DOCUMENT and LINES are supported.
InvalidQuoteFields 400 InvalidQuoteFields The QuoteFields is invalid. Only ALWAYS and ASNEEDED are supported.
InvalidRequestParameter 400 InvalidRequestParameter The value of a parameter in SelectRequest element is invalid. Check the service API documentation and try again.
OverMaxColumn 400 OverMaxColumn The number of columns in the result is greater than the maximum allowable number of columns.
OverMaxRecordSize 400 OverMaxRecordSize The length of a record in the input or result is greater than maxCharsPerRecord of 1 MB.
TruncatedInput 400 TruncatedInput Object decompression failed. Check that the object is properly compressed using the format specified in the request.
UnauthorizedAccess 401 UnauthorizedAccess You are not authorized to perform this operation.
ExternalEvalException 400 ExternalEvalException The query cannot be evaluated. Check the file and try again.
InvalidDataSource 400 InvalidDataSource Invalid data source type. Only CSV, JSON, and Parquet are supported.
InvalidDataType 400 InvalidDataType The SQL expression contains an invalid data type.
InvalidTableAlias 400 InvalidTableAlias The SQL expression contains an invalid table alias.
InvalidTextEncoding 400 InvalidTextEncoding Invalid encoding type. Only UTF-8 encoding is supported.
JSONParsingError 400 JSONParsingError Encountered an error parsing the JSON file. Check the file and try again.
UnrecognizedFormatException 400 UnrecognizedFormatException Encountered an invalid record type.
MissingRequiredParameter 400 MissingRequiredParameter The SelectRequest entity is missing a required parameter. Check the service documentation and try again.
S3SelectNoMemory 503 S3SelectNoMemory Not enough memory available for the SelectRequest.
MultipleDataSourcesUnsupported 400 MultipleDataSourcesUnsupported Multiple data sources are not supported.
ObjectSerializationConflict 400 ObjectSerializationConflict InputSerialization specifies more than one format (CSV, JSON, or Parquet), or OutputSerialization specifies more than one format (CSV or JSON). InputSerialization and OutputSerialization can only specify one format each.
UnsupportedFunction 400 UnsupportedFunction Encountered an unsupported SQL function.
UnsupportedSqlOperation 400 UnsupportedSqlOperation Encountered an unsupported SQL operation.
UnsupportedSqlStructure 400 UnsupportedSqlStructure Encountered an unsupported SQL structure. Check the SQL Reference.
UnsupportedStorageClass 400 UnsupportedStorageClass Encountered an invalid storage class. Only STANDARD, STANDARD_IA, and ONEZONE_IA storage classes are supported.
UnsupportedSyntax 400 UnsupportedSyntax Encountered invalid syntax.
UnsupportedRangeHeader 400 UnsupportedRangeHeader Range header is not supported for this operation.
LexerInvalidChar 400 LexerInvalidChar The SQL expression contains an invalid character.
LexerInvalidOperator 400 LexerInvalidOperator The SQL expression contains an invalid literal.
LexerInvalidLiteral 400 LexerInvalidLiteral The SQL expression contains an invalid operator.
LexerInvalidIONLiteral 400 LexerInvalidIONLiteral The SQL expression contains an invalid operator.
ParseExpectedDatePart 400 ParseExpectedDatePart Did not find the expected date part in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedKeyword 400 ParseExpectedKeyword Did not find the expected keyword in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedTokenType 400 ParseExpectedTokenType Did not find the expected token in the SQL expression.
ParseExpected2TokenTypes 400 ParseExpected2TokenTypes Did not find the expected token in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedNumber 400 ParseExpectedNumber Did not find the expected number in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall 400 ParseExpectedRightParenBuiltinFunctionCall Did not find the expected right parenthesis character in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedTypeName 400 ParseExpectedTypeName Did not find the expected type name in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedWhenClause 400 ParseExpectedWhenClause Did not find the expected WHEN clause in the SQL expression. CASE is not supported.
ParseUnsupportedToken 400 ParseUnsupportedToken The SQL expression contains an unsupported token.
ParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy 400 ParseUnsupportedLiteralsGroupBy The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of GROUP BY.
ParseExpectedMember 400 ParseExpectedMember The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of MEMBER.
ParseUnsupportedSelect 400 ParseUnsupportedSelect The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of SELECT.
ParseUnsupportedCase 400 ParseUnsupportedCase The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of CASE.
ParseUnsupportedCaseClause 400 ParseUnsupportedCaseClause The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of CASE.
ParseUnsupportedAlias 400 ParseUnsupportedAlias The SQL expression contains an unsupported use of ALIAS.
ParseUnsupportedSyntax 400 ParseUnsupportedSyntax The SQL expression contains unsupported syntax.
ParseUnknownOperator 400 ParseUnknownOperator The SQL expression contains an invalid operator.
ParseInvalidPathComponent 400 ParseInvalidPathComponent The SQL expression contains an invalid path component.
ParseMissingIdentAfterAt 400 ParseMissingIdentAfterAt Did not find the expected identifier after the @ symbol in the SQL expression.
ParseUnexpectedOperator 400 ParseUnexpectedOperator The SQL expression contains an unexpected operator.
ParseUnexpectedTerm 400 ParseUnexpectedTerm The SQL expression contains an unexpected term.
ParseUnexpectedToken 400 ParseUnexpectedToken The SQL expression contains an unexpected token.
ParseUnExpectedKeyword 400 ParseUnExpectedKeyword The SQL expression contains an unexpected keyword.
ParseExpectedExpression 400 ParseExpectedExpression Did not find the expected SQL expression.
ParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast 400 ParseExpectedLeftParenAfterCast Did not find the expected left parenthesis after CAST in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor 400 ParseExpectedLeftParenValueConstructor Did not find expected the left parenthesis in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall 400 ParseExpectedLeftParenBuiltinFunctionCall Did not find the expected left parenthesis in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter 400 ParseExpectedArgumentDelimiter Did not find the expected argument delimiter in the SQL expression.
ParseCastArity 400 ParseCastArity The SQL expression CAST has incorrect arity.
ParseInvalidTypeParam 400 ParseInvalidTypeParam The SQL expression contains an invalid parameter value.
ParseEmptySelect 400 ParseEmptySelect The SQL expression contains an empty SELECT.
ParseSelectMissingFrom 400 ParseSelectMissingFrom The SQL expression contains a missing FROM after SELECT list.
ParseExpectedIdentForGroupName 400 ParseExpectedIdentForGroupName GROUP is not supported in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedIdentForAlias 400 ParseExpectedIdentForAlias Did not find the expected identifier for the alias in the SQL expression.
ParseUnsupportedCallWithStar 400 ParseUnsupportedCallWithStar Only COUNT with (*) as a parameter is supported in the SQL expression.
ParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall 400 ParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall Only one argument is supported for aggregate functions in the SQL expression.
ParseMalformedJoin 400 ParseMalformedJoin JOIN is not supported in the SQL expression.
ParseExpectedIdentForAt 400 ParseExpectedIdentForAt Did not find the expected identifier for AT name in the SQL expression.
ParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList 400 ParseAsteriskIsNotAloneInSelectList Other expressions are not allowed in the SELECT list when '*' is used without dot notation in the SQL expression.
ParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList 400 ParseCannotMixSqbAndWildcardInSelectList Cannot mix [] and * in the same expression in a SELECT list in SQL expression.
ParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList 400 ParseInvalidContextForWildcardInSelectList Invalid use of * in SELECT list in the SQL expression.
ValueParseFailure 400 ValueParseFailure Timestamp parse failure in the SQL expression.
IncorrectSqlFunctionArgumentType 400 IncorrectSqlFunctionArgumentType Incorrect type of arguments in function call in the SQL expression.
AmbiguousFieldName 400 AmbiguousFieldName Field name matches to multiple fields in the file. Check the SQL expression and the file, and try again.
MissingHeaderName 400 MissingHeaderName Some headers in the query are missing from the file.
IntegerOverflow 400 IntegerOverflow Integer overflow or underflow in the SQL expression.
LikeInvalidInputs 400 LikeInvalidInputs Invalid argument given to the LIKE clause in the SQL expression.
InvalidCast 400 InvalidCast Attempt to convert from one data type to another using CAST failed in the SQL expression.
ParquetNotEnabled 400 ParquetNotEnabled Functionality for parsing Parquet format is not enabled.
ParquetParsingError 400 ParquetParsingError Error parsing Parquet file. Please check the file and try again.
NumberFormatError 400 NumberFormatError Error parsing a number. This can be caused by under/over flow of integers.
EvaluatorLikePatternInvalidEscapeSequence 400 EvaluatorLikePatternInvalidEscapeSequence Invalid argument given to LIKE expression.
EvaluatorNegativeLimit 400 EvaluatorNegativeLimit LIMIT must not be negative.
OverMaxParquetBlockSize 400 OverMaxParquetBlockSize Parquet file is above the max row group size.
UnsupportedParquetType 400 UnsupportedParquetType Unsupported Parquet type.
ParquetUnsupportedCompressionCodec 400 ParquetUnsupportedCompressionCodec Unsupported Parquet compression codec.
UnsupportedScanRangeInput 400 UnsupportedScanRangeInput Scan range queries are not supported on this type of object.
ErrorWritingRow 400 ErrorWritingRow Cannot format output for your query. Please check the file and query, and try again
ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError 404 ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError The replication configuration was not found.
ReplicationStatusNotFoundError 404 ReplicationStatusNotFoundError Detailed replication status not found.
S3SelectOptionNotYetImplemented 400 S3SelectOptionNotYetImplemented The option specified not yet implemented.
RANGE_UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORT 400 UnsupportedFeature Range update is not supported in current release
BucketNotificationMalformedArn 400 InvalidArgument The ARN is not well formed
BucketNotificationInvalidTopic 400 InvalidArgument Unable to validate the following destination configurations
BucketNotificationIdMaxLengthExceeded 400 InvalidArgument ID length exceeded allowed limit of 255
BucketNotificationDuplicateId 400 InvalidArgument Same ID used for multiple configurations. IDs must be unique.
BucketNotificationUnsupportedEvent 400 InvalidArgument The event is not supported for notifications
BucketNotificationFilterPrefixLimitExceeded 400 InvalidArgument Cannot specify more than one prefix rule in a filter.
  • The PUT request header is limited to 8 KB in size. Within the PUT request header, the user-defined metadata is limited to 2 KB in size. User-defined metadata is a set of key-value pairs. The size of user-defined metadata is measured by taking the sum of the number of bytes in each key and value plus four: a colon and space to separate the name and value and two bytes for carriage return-linefeed.
  • When the system throws a 500 error, it allows the user to retry the request. In such cases, it is recommended to use a backoff algorithm which waits progressively longer between retries for consecutive error responses. For more information about guidance on 500 error rate response in ObjectScale, see

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