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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.9 Microsoft Application Agent SQL Server User Guide


Protecting SQL Server clustered environments

Learn how to configure protection of SQL Server clustered environments, including Always On availability groups and Failover Cluster Instances.

About this task

On each node in the cluster. Repeat the steps to install the Microsoft application agent, and then add and discover the application host in PowerProtect Data Manager.

CAUTION Protection of Failover Cluster Instances (FCI) requires that all nodes in the cluster be registered to the PowerProtect Data Manager server. Before registration, the node must be the active node and own all the disks in the cluster. The recommended method is to failover all nodes to the registering node. Repeat this step for all nodes in the cluster and any nodes added to the cluster. Failure to perform this step results in unpredictable results during protection policy.


  1. Add a storage system.
    Add protection storage provides information.
  2. Install the Microsoft application agent on each node in the cluster.
  3. Configure the required user privileges on each node in the cluster.
  4. Add or approve the Microsoft application agent on each node in the cluster.
  5. Discover and add the credentials for each SQL application host.
    Discover a SQL application host provides information.
  6. Create a protection policy to protect the cluster.

    Add a protection policy for SQL database protection provides information.

    NOTE You cannot perform a backup to a secondary DD device. You can only restore from a secondary DD device.

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