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Dell Wyse Management Suite Version 2.x Quick Start Guide

Registering devices by using DNS SRV record

NOTE: For information on customer security environment, see Wyse Device Agent.

DNS based device registration is supported with the following versions of Wyse Device Agent:

  • Windows Embedded Systems—13.0 or later versions
  • Thin Linux—2.0.24 or later versions
  • ThinOS—8.4 firmware or later versions

You can register devices with the Wyse Management Suite server if DNS SRV record fields are set with valid values.

NOTE: For detailed instructions on how to add DNS SRV records on the Windows server, see Creating and configuring DNS SRV record.

The following table lists the valid values for the DNS SRV records:

Table 1. Configuring device by using DNS SRV recordThe following table lists the valid values for the DNS SRV records:



Record Name—_WMS_MGMT

Record FQDN—_WMS_MGMT._tcp.<Domainname>

Record Type— SRV

This record points to the Wyse Management Suite server URL. For example, wmsserver.acme.com:443, where wmsserver.acme.com is fully qualified domain name of the server where Wyse Management Suite is installed. For links to register your devices in Wyse Management Suite in public cloud, see Getting started with Wyse Management Suite on public cloud.

NOTE: Do not use https:// in the server URL, or the thin client will not register under Wyse Management Suite.

Record Name—_WMS_MQTT

Record FQDN—_WMS_MQTT._tcp.<Domainname>

Record Type—SRV

This record directs the device to the Wyse Management Suite Push Notification server (PNS). For a private cloud installation, the device gets directed to the MQTT service on the Wyse Management Suite server. For example, wmsservername.domain.com:1883.

NOTE: MQTT is optional for the latest version of Wyse Management Suite.

To register your devices in Wyse Management Suite public cloud, the device should point to the PNS (MQTT) servers in public cloud. For example,





Record Type— TEXT

This record is required to register the ThinOS devices with Wyse Management Suite on public or private cloud.

This record is optional to register the Windows Embedded Standard or ThinLinux devices with Wyse Management Suite on private cloud. If the record is not available, then the devices are automatically registered to the unmanaged group during on-premise installation.

NOTE: Group Token is optional for the latest version of Wyse Management Suite on private cloud.



Record Type—TEXT

This record is required if Wyse Management Suite is installed on your system in your private cloud. Do not add this optional record if you are registering your devices with Wyse Management Suite on public cloud.

Enter True, if you have imported the SSL certificates from a well-known authority for https communication between the client and Wyse Management Suite server.

Enter False , if you have not imported the SSL certificates from a well-known authority for https communication between the client and Wyse Management Suite server.

NOTE: CA Validation is optional for the latest version of Wyse Management Suite.

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