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Dell Precision 5520 Owner's Manual

Removing the Keyboard


  1. Follow the procedures in Before Working Inside Your Computer.
  2. Remove the:
    1. base cover
    2. battery
    3. fans
    4. heatsink
    5. SSD
    6. memory module
    7. system board
  3. Perform the following steps to disconnect the keyboard and backlight connectors from the computer.
    1. Lift up the connector lock [1] and the disconnect the cables from the connectors [2].
    2. Peel back the screw shields [3].
    Figure showing peeling back of the metal screw shields.
  4. Un-route the LVDS cable [1] and then remove the 31 M1.6 x 1.5 screws that secure the keyboard to the computer [2].
    Figure showing removal of screws from system board.
  5. Lift and remove the keyboard from the computer.
    Figure showing lifting of the keyboard from the computer.

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