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Dell Precision 5520 Owner's Manual

Drain residual flea power (perform hard reset)

About this task

Flea power is the residual static electricity that remains in the computer even after it has been powered off and the battery is removed.

For your safety, and to protect the sensitive electronic components in your computer, you are requested to drain residual flea power before removing or replacing any components in your computer.

Draining residual flea power, also known as a performing a "hard reset", is also a common troubleshooting step if your computer does not power on or boot into the operating system.

To drain residual flea power (perform a hard reset)


  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Disconnect the power adapter from your computer.
  3. Remove the base cover.
  4. Remove the battery.
  5. Press and hold the power button for 20 seconds to drain the flea power.
  6. Install the battery.
  7. Install the base cover.
  8. Connect the power adapter to your computer.
  9. Turn on your computer.
    NOTE For more information about performing a hard reset, see the knowledge base article 000130881 at www.dell.com/support.

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