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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide



This basetype is used by show pool-statistics when the historical parameter is specified.

Table 1. tier-hist-statistics properties
Name Type Description
number-of-ios uint64 Total number of read and write operations since the last sampling time.
number-of-reads uint64 Number of read operations since the last sampling time.
number-of-writes uint64 Number of write operations since the last sampling time.
total-data-transferred string Total amount of data read and written since the last sampling time.
total-data-transferred-numeric uint64 Unformatted total-data-transferred value.
data-read string Amount of data read since the last sampling time.
data-read-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-read value.
data-written string Amount of data written since the last sampling time.
data-written-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-written value.
total-iops uint64 Total number of read and write operations per second since the last sampling time.
read-iops uint64 Number of read operations per second since the last sampling time.
write-iops uint64 Number of write operations per second since the last sampling time.
total-bytes-per-sec string Total data transfer rate, in bytes per second, since the last sampling time.
total-bytes-per-sec-numeric uint64 Unformatted total-bytes-per-second value.
read-bytes-per-sec string Data transfer rate, in bytes per second, for read operations since the last sampling time.
read-bytes-per-sec-numeric uint64 Unformatted read-bytes-per-second value.
write-bytes-per-sec string Data transfer rate, in bytes per second, for write operations last sampling time.
write-bytes-per-sec-numeric uint64 Unformatted write-bytes-per-second value.
number-of-allocated-pages uint64 The number of 4 MB pages allocated to volumes in the pool.
number-of-page-moves-in uint64 The number of pages moved into this tier from a different tier.
number-of-page-moves-out uint64 The number of pages moved out of this tier to other tiers.
number-of-page-rebalances uint64 The number of pages moved between disks in this tier to automatically load balance.
number-of-initial-allocations uint64 The number of 4 MB pages that are allocated as a result of host writes. This number does not include pages allocated as a result of background tiering page movement. (Tiering moves pages from one tier to another, so one tier will see a page deallocated, while another tier will show pages allocated. These background moves are not considered initial allocations.)
number-of-unmaps uint64 The number of 4 MB pages that are automatically reclaimed and deallocated because they are empty (they contain only zeroes for data).
number-of-rfc-copies uint64 The number of 4 MB pages copied from spinning disks to SSD read cache (read flash cache).
number-of-zero-pages-reclaimed uint64 The number of empty (zero-filled) pages that were reclaimed during this sample period.
sample-time string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds , when the data sample was taken.
sample-time-numeric uint32 Unformatted sample-time value.

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