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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide



This basetype is used by add storage when the preview parameter is specified.

Table 1. spares-preview properties
Name Type Description
location string The disk location in the format enclosure-number.disk-number.
type string Disk description.
  • SAS: Enterprise SAS spinning disk.
  • SAS MDL: Midline SAS spinning disk.
  • SSD SAS: SAS solid-state disk.
type-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for the type value.
  • 4: SAS
  • 8: SSD SAS
  • 11: SAS MDL
tier string
  • N/A
  • Performance: The disk group is in the highest storage tier, which uses SSDs (high speed).
  • Standard: The disk group is in the storage tier that uses enterprise-class spinning SAS disks (10k/15k RPM).
  • Archive: The disk group is in the lowest storage tier, which uses midline spinning SAS disks (<10k RPM, high capacity).
  • Read Cache: The disk is an SSD providing high-speed read cache for a storage pool.
tier-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for storage-tier values.
  • 0: N/A
  • 1: Performance
  • 2: Standard
  • 4: Archive
  • 8: Read Cache
size string The size or capacity formatted with the current session base, precision, and units.
size-numeric uint64 Unformatted size value.
rpm uint32 Vendor-specified disk speed in thousands of revolutions per minute.
sector-format string The disk sector format.
  • 512n: The disk uses 512-byte native sector size. Each logical block and physical block is 512 bytes.
  • 512e: The disk uses 512-byte emulated sector size. Each logical block is 512 bytes and each physical block is 4096 bytes. Eight logical blocks will be stored sequentially in each physical block. Logical blocks may or may not be aligned with physical block boundaries.
  • Mixed: The disk group contains a mix of 512n and 512e disks. This is supported, but for consistent and predictable performance, do not mix disks of different sector size types (512n, 512e).
sector-format-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for sector-format values.
  • 0: 512n
  • 1: 512e
  • 3: Mixed
pi-format string Not supported.
pi-format-numeric uint32 Not supported.
fde-state string The FDE state of the disk
  • Unknown: The FDE state is unknown.
  • Not FDE Capable: The disk is not FDE-capable
  • Not Secured: The disk is not secured.
  • Secured, Unlocked: The system is secured and the disk is unlocked.
  • Secured, Locked: The system is secured and the disk is locked to data access, preventing its use.
  • FDE Protocol Failure: A temporary state that can occur while the system is securing the disk.
fde-state-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for fde-state values.
  • 0: UNKNOWN
  • 1: Not FDE Capable
  • 2: Not Secured
  • 3: Secured, Unlocked
  • 4: Secure, Locked
  • 5: FDE Protocol Failure

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