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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


show volumes

Description Shows information about volumes. The command will show information for all volumes by default, or you can use parameters to filter the output.
Minimum role monitor

show volumes


[pattern <string>]

[pool <pool>]

[type |base|standard|snapshot|primary-volume|secondary-volume]


Parameters details

Optional. Shows additional information about the volumes.

pattern <string>

Optional. Shows volumes whose names contain the specified string. The string can include the following wildcards, singly or in combination.

* Matches zero or more characters.

? Matches any one character. Use multiple '?' wildcards to find names of a specific length. For example, Vol?? will find names starting with Vol that are five characters long.

[] Matches any character within the brackets, except a hyphen. Alphabetic characters are case sensitive. For example, [123] matches 1, 2, or 3. Use a hyphen between two characters to specify a range. For example, [0-9] matches any one digit. You can combine the list and range forms. For example, [xy1-3] matches x or y (but not X or Y), or 1, 2, or 3.

pool <pool>

Optional. The name or serial number of the pool that contains the volumes for which to show information.

type all|base|standard|snapshot|primary-volume|secondary-volume


  • base: Show only virtual volumes that are not snapshots of any other volume.
  • snapshot: Show only snapshots.
  • standard: Show only standard volumes.
  • primary-volume: Show only primary volumes.
  • secondary-volume: Show only secondary volumes.
If this parameter is omitted, all volumes are shown. <volumes>

Optional. A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of volumes for which to show information. A name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.


Properties are described in alphabetical order.


If Health is not OK, this field shows recommended actions to take to resolve the health issue.

Alloc Size

The amount of space currently allocated to a virtual volume, or the total size of a linear volume.

Cache Opt

Shown by the details parameter. The cache optimization mode:

  • standard: This controller cache mode of operation is optimized for sequential and random I/O and is the optimization of choice for most workloads. In this mode, the cache is kept coherent with the partner controller.
  • standard-atomic-write: This controller cache mode includes the standardmode features but also guarantees that if a failure (such as I/O being aborted or a controller failure) interrupts a data transfer between a host and the storage system, the controller cache contains either all the old data or all the new data, not a mix of old and new data. This option has a slight performance cost because it maintains a secondary copy of data in cache so that if a data transfer is not completed, the old cache data can be restored.
  • cache-hit-atomic-write: This controller cache mode includes the cache-hitmode features but also guarantees that if a failure (such as I/O being aborted or a controller failure) interrupts a data transfer between a host and the storage system, the controller cache contains either all the old data or all the new data, not a mix of old and new data. This option has a slight performance cost because it maintains a secondary copy of data in cache so that if a data transfer is not completed, the old cache data can be restored.
  • Linear: The volume is in a linear pool.
  • Virtual: The volume is in a virtual pool.

Shown by the details parameter.

  • For OpenVMS, a numeric value (set with the create volume or set volume command) that identifies the volume to an OpenVMS host.
  • Blank if not set.
  • OK
Large Virtual Extents

Shown by the details parameter. For a virtual volume, this shows whether the system will try to allocate pages in a sequentially optimized way to reduce I/O latency and improve performance.

  • disabled: Optimized page allocation is disabled. This is the default.
  • enabled: Optimized page allocation is enabled.
Metadata In Use

Shown by the details parameter. The amount of pool metadata currently being used by the volume.


The name of the volume.


The name of the pool that contains the volume.

Read Ahead

Shown by the details parameter. The read-ahead cache setting:

  • Disabled: Read-ahead is disabled.
  • Adaptive: Adaptive read-ahead is enabled, which allows the controller to dynamically calculate the optimum read-ahead size for the current workload.
  • Stripe: Read-ahead is set to one stripe. The controllers treat NRAID and RAID-1 disk groups internally as if they have a stripe size of 512 KB, even though they are not striped.
  • 512 KB, 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 16 MB, or 32 MB: Size selected by a user.

If Health is not OK, this field shows the reason for the health state.


Shown by the details parameter.

  • Copy Source: The volume is the source for a volume copy operation.
  • Copy Destination: The volume is the destination for a volume copy operation.
  • Primary: The volume is the primary volume in a replication set.
  • Secondary: The volume is the secondary volume in a replication set.
  • (blank): Not applicable.
Serial Number

Shown by the details parameter. The serial number of the volume.

Retention Priority

Shown by the details parameter. The retention priority for snapshots of the volume.

  • never-delete: Snapshots will never be deleted.
  • high: Snapshots may be deleted after all eligible medium-priority snapshots have been deleted.
  • medium: Snapshots may be deleted after all eligible low-priority snapshots have been deleted.
  • low: Snapshots may be deleted.

Snapshots that are mapped or are not leaves of a volume's snapshot tree are not eligible for automatic deletion.

Tier Affinity

Shown by the details parameter.

  • No Affinity: This setting uses the highest available performing tiers first and only uses the Archive tier when space is exhausted in the other tiers. Volume data will swap into higher performing tiers based on frequency of access and tier space availability. This is the default.
  • Archive: This setting prioritizes the volume data to the least performing tier available. Volume data can move to higher performing tiers based on frequency of access and available space in the tiers.
  • Performance: This setting prioritizes volume data to the higher performing tiers. If no space is available, lower performing tier space is used. Performance affinity volume data will swap into higher tiers based upon frequency of access or when space is made available.
Total Size

The total size of the volume.

  • base: Base volume
  • snapshot: Snapshot volume
  • standard: Standard volume
WR Policy

Shown by the details parameter. The cache write policy:

  • write-back: Write-back caching does not wait for data to be completely written to disk before signaling the host that the write is complete. This is the preferred setting for a fault-tolerant environment because it improves the performance of write operations and throughput.
  • write-through: Write-through caching significantly impacts performance by waiting for data to be completely written to disk before signaling the host that the write is complete. Use this setting only when operating in an environment with low or no fault tolerance.

Shown by the details parameter. The World Wide Name of the volume

Examples Show information about all volumes.

# show volumes

Show detailed information for volume volA.

# show volumes details volA

Show volumes whose names start with Vol followed by any single character, an underscore, and a two-digit number — such as VolA_01 or Vol3_10, but not volA_01 or Vol3_1.

# show volumes pattern Vol?_[0-9][0-9]




See also

create volume

delete volumes

expand volume

set volume

show disk-groups

show maps

show pools

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