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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


show sensor-status


Shows information about each environmental sensor in each enclosure.

Information shown includes temperature, voltage, and current for applicable components, and voltage, charge, capacitance, and resistance for the controller module supercapacitor pack.

For temperature and voltage ranges (both normal and error), see your product's Deployment Guide.

Minimum role monitor
Syntax show sensor-status
Output Encl

The enclosure ID.


The disk drawer ID

Sensor Name

The sensor name and location.

  • For a sensor, its value.
  • For Overall Unit Status, one of the status values below.
  • OK: The sensor is present and detects no error condition.
  • Warning: The sensor detected a non-critical error condition. Temperature, voltage, or current is between the warning and critical thresholds.
  • Critical: The sensor detected a critical error condition. Temperature, voltage, or current exceeds the critical threshold.
  • Unavailable: The sensor is present with no known errors, but has not been turned on or set into operation because it is initializing. This typically occurs during controller startup.
  • Unrecoverable: The enclosure management processor (EMP) cannot communicate with the sensor.
  • Unknown: The sensor is present but status is not available.
  • Not Installed: The sensor is not present.
  • Unsupported: Status detection is not implemented.
Examples Show the status of each environmental sensor in each enclosure.

# show sensor-status

Basetypes sensors



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