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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


show network-parameters

Description Shows the settings and health of each controller module’s network port
Minimum role monitor
Syntax show network-parameters
Output IP Address

The network port IP address.


The network port gateway IP address.

Subnet Mask

The network port IP subnet mask.

MAC Address

The controller’s unique Media Access Control address.

Addressing Mode
  • Manual: Network settings are set manually (statically).
  • DHCP: DHCP is used to set network parameters.
Link Speed
  • Unknown: For a system operating in Single Controller mode, this controller module is not present.
  • 10mbps: The network port link speed is set to 10 Mb/s.
  • 100mbps: The network port link speed is set to 100 Mb/s.
  • 1000mbps: The network port link speed is set to 1000 Mb/s.
Duplex Mode
  • Undefined: For a system operating in Single Controller mode, this controller module is not present.
  • half: The network port duplex mode is set to half duplex.
  • full: The network port duplex mode is set to full duplex.
Auto Negotiation
  • Disabled: Either the network port has not been set, or it has been unset because the controller module was removed from its enclosure, or the port is connected to a switch and is set to use the link speed and duplex mode shown by the Link Speed and Duplex Mode fields.
  • Enabled: The network port is set to auto-negotiate a link speed (up to the maximum speed shown by the Link Speed field) and duplex mode with a connected Ethernet switch.

The health of the network connection.

  • OK
  • Degraded
  • Fault
  • N/A
  • Unknown
Health Reason

If Health is not OK, this field shows the reason for the health state.

Health Recommendation

If Health is not OK, this field shows recommended actions to take to resolve the health issue.

Ping Broadcast
  • Enabled: The system will respond to a broadcast ping.
  • Disabled: The system will not respond to a broadcast ping.
Examples Show network parameters for each controller module.

# show network-parameters




See also set network-parameters

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