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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


show events


Shows events logged by each controller in the storage system. A separate set of event numbers is maintained for each controller. Each event number is prefixed with a letter identifying the controller that logged the event.

Events are listed from newest to oldest, based on a timestamp with one-second granularity. Therefore the event log sequence matches the actual event sequence within about one second.

Minimum role monitor

show events [a|b|both|error]


[from <timestamp>]

[from-event <event-ID>]

[last <number-of-events>]

[logs yes|no]

[to <timestamp>]

[to-event <event-ID>]

Parameters a|b|both|error

Optional. Specifies to filter the event listing:

  • a: Shows events from controller A only. Do not use this parameter with the from-event parameter or the to-event parameter.
  • b: Shows events from controller B only. Do not use this parameter with the from-event parameter or the to-event parameter.
  • both: Shows events from both controllers. Do not use this parameter with the from-event parameter or the to-event parameter.
  • error: Shows Warning, Error, and Critical events, but not Informational or Resolved events.

Optional. Shows additional information and recommended actions for displayed events.

from <timestamp>

Optional. Shows events that occurred on or after a timestamp specified with the format MMDDYYhhmmss. For example, 043020235900 represents April 30 2020 at 11:59:00 p.m. This parameter can be used with the to parameter or the to-event parameter.

from-event <event-ID>

Optional. Shows events including and after the specified event ID. If this number is smaller than the ID of the oldest event, events are shown from the oldest available event. Events are shown only for the controller that the event ID specifies (A or B). This parameter can be used with the to parameter or the to-event parameter.

last #

Optional. Shows the latest specified number of events. If this parameter is omitted, all events are shown.

logs yes|no


  • no: Lists events as described in the Output section, below. This is the default.
  • yes: Shows events in tabular format, with columns for event ID, date and time, event code, severity, and message.
to <timestamp>

Optional. Shows events that occurred on or before a timestamp specified with the format MMDDYYhhmmss. For example, 043020235900 represents April 30 2020 at 11:59:00 p.m. This parameter can be used with the from parameter or the from-event parameter.

to-event <event-ID>

Optional. Shows events before and including the specified event ID. If this number is larger than the ID of the oldest event, events are shown up to the latest event. Events are shown only for the controller that the event ID specifies (A or B). This parameter can be used with the from parameter or the from-event parameter.

  • Date and time when the event was logged.
  • Event code identifying the type of event to help diagnose problems. For example: [3]
  • Event ID prefixed by A or B, indicating which controller logged the event. For example: #A123
  • Model, serial number, and ID of the controller module that logged the event.
  • Severity:
    • CRITICAL: A failure occurred that may cause a controller to shut down. Correct the problem immediately.
    • ERROR: A failure occurred that may affect data integrity or system stability. Correct the problem as soon as possible.
    • WARNING: A problem occurred that may affect system stability but not data integrity. Evaluate the problem and correct it if necessary.
    • INFORMATIONAL: A configuration or state change occurred, or a problem occurred that the system corrected. No action is required.
    • RESOLVED: A condition that caused an event to be logged has been resolved.
  • Event-specific message giving details about the event.
Examples Show the last two events.

# show events last 2

Show the last three non-Informational events.

# show events last 3 error

Show all events from April 30 2020 at 11:59:00 p.m. through May 2 2020 at 11:59:00 a.m.

# show events from 043020235900 to 050220115900

Show a range of events logged by controller A.

# show events from-event a100 to-event a123

Show detailed output for a specific event.

# show events from-event A2264 from-event A2264 detail





See also

clear events

set snmp-parameters

show snmp-parameters

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