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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


set syslog-parameters

Description Sets remote syslog notification parameters for events and managed logs. This allows events to be logged by the syslog of a specified host computer. Syslog is a protocol for sending event messages across an IP network to a logging server. This feature supports User Datagram Protocol (UDP) but not Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
Minimum role standard

set syslog-parameters

[alert-notification-level all|none]

[host <address>]

[host-ip <address>]

[host-port <port-number>]

notification-level crit|error|warn|resolved|info|none

Parameters [alert-notification-level all|none]

Optional. Enables or disables syslog notification of alerts.

  • all: The system will send syslog notifications for alerts. This is the default.
  • none: The system will not send syslog notifications for alerts.

If this parameter is omitted, the previous notification level will remain.

[host <address>]

Optional. The network address for the host. The value can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or FQDN. If notification-level is other than none, the host parameter must be specified.

[host-ip <address>]

Deprecated—use the host parameter instead.

[host-port <port-number>]

Optional. A specific port number on the host. The allowed port numbers are 1-65535.

notification-level crit|error|warn|resolved|info|none

The minimum severity for which the system should send notifications:

  • crit: Sends notifications for Critical events only.
  • error: Sends notifications for Error and Critical events.
  • warn: Sends notifications for Warning, Error, and Critical events.
  • resolved: Sends notifications for Resolved, Warning, Error, and Critical events.
  • info: Sends notifications for all events.
  • none: Disables syslog notification.
If notification-level is other than none, the host parameter must be specified.
Examples Set the system to send an entry to the remote server at on port 514 when a critical event occurs.

# set syslog-parameters notification-level crit host host-port 514

See also show syslog-parameters


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