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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


set support-assist-contact


Add or update information for users that serve as contacts for support issues.

Provide information for one or two contacts, which are designated as primary and secondary. This information is used to identify who receives automatically generated email notifications and who support personnel should contact when processing service request cases.

Minimum role standard
Syntax set support-assist-contact

[email-address <address>]

[first-name <name>]

[last-name <name>]

[phone-number <number>]

[preferred-language cs|da|de|el|en|es|es-la|fi|fr|fr-ca|he|it|ja|ko|nl|no|pl|pt|pt|br|ru|sk|sv|th|tr|zh-cn|zh-tw]


NOTE:To clear a value from any of these parameters, set it to null by entering a value of " ". For example: set support-assist-contact primary first-name " "
email-address <address>

Optional. Email address of the contact. Input rules:

  • Must be a valid email address in the form <name>@<host>.<domain> where:
    • <name> is a string that can include uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbol characters: . - %
    • The <name> segment is followed by a single @ symbol.
    • <host> is a string that can include uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbol characters: . -
    • The <host> segment cannot end with a period and cannot include multiple periods in a row.
    • A single period is used between the <host> segment and the <domain> segment.
    • <domain> is a string that can include uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers.
  • The value can have a maximum of 100 bytes.
first-name <name>

Optional. First name of the contact. Input rules:

  • The value can include printable UTF-8 characters, except as noted below.
  • The value cannot include spaces or symbol characters except: - . '
  • The value can have a maximum of 50 bytes.
last-name <name>

Optional. Last name of the contact. Input rules:

  • The value can include printable UTF-8 characters, except as noted below.
  • The value cannot include spaces or symbol characters except: - . '
  • The value can have a maximum of 50 bytes.
phone-number <number>

Optional. Phone number of the contact. Input rules:

  • Include only numbers or optionally use standard phone number separators: ( ) -
  • Spaces are not allowed.
  • For extensions, use a single X (uppercase or lowercase) to introduce.
  • The value must be between 9 and 40 bytes.
preferred-language cs|da|de|el|en|es|es-la|fi|fr|fr-ca|he|it|ja|ko|nl|no|pl|pt|pt|br|ru|sk|sv|th|tr|zh-cn|zh-tw

Optional. The preferred language for support personnel to use for communications to this contact.


Designates whether the information provided is for the primary or secondary contact.

Examples Update the name for a primary contact person.

# set support-assist-contact primary first-name Roger last-name Rabbit

Add an email address for a secondary contact person.

# set support-assist-contact secondary email-address alice@example.com

See also check support-assist-connection

check support-assist-updates

send support-assist-logs

set support-assist

set support-assist-authentication

set support-assist-connection

set support-assist-proxy

show support-assist

show support-assist-contact

show support-assist-telemetry-status

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