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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


set password

Description Sets a user password for system interfaces, such as the CLI. A password can be entered as part of the command, or the command prompts you to enter and re-enter the new password.
Minimum role manage

set password

[password <password>]


Parameters [password <password>]

Optional. Sets a new password for the user. Input rules:

  • The value is case sensitive.
  • The value can have 8-32 characters.
  • The value can include spaces and printable UTF-8 characters except: " , . < \
  • A value that includes only printable ASCII characters must include at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one numeric character, and one non-alphanumeric character.
If this parameter is omitted, the command prompts you to enter and re-enter a value, which is displayed obscured for security reasons.

For an SNMPv3 user whose authentication-type parameter is set to use authentication, this specifies the authentication password. The password can have a maximum of 32 bytes and contain only alphanumeric characters and ^ _ + : , . @.


Optional. The user name for which to set the password. If this parameter is omitted, this command affects the logged-in user’s password.

Examples Change the password for a user named LabAdmin.

# set password LabAdmin

Enter new password: ********

Re-enter new password: ********

Change the password for a user named JDoe.

# set password JDoe password Abcd_1234

See also show users

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