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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


scrub disk-groups

Description Analyzes specified disk groups to find and fix errors.

This command acts on disks in a disk group but not dedicated spares for linear disk groups, or leftover disks. The command will:

  • Check redundancy data (parity) and correct it for RAID 5, RAID 6, and ADAPT.
  • Find, but not fix, mirror mismatches for RAID 1 and 10. The system reads both copies of mirror data to find any mismatches.
  • Find and fix media errors for all RAID levels. Media errors occur when the system cannot read one of the copies of mirror data, due to a disk error such as an unrecoverable disk error (URE).

Disk-group scrub can last for multiple hours or longer, depending on disk-group size, utility priority, and amount of I/O activity. However, a manual scrub performed with this command is typically faster than a background scrub enabled with the set advanced-settings command. You can use a disk group while it is being scrubbed. To check the progress of a disk-group scrub (VRSC) job, use the show disk-groups command.

When a disk-group scrub job starts, event 206 is logged. When a scrub job ends, event 207 is logged and specifies whether errors were found and whether user action is required.

Minimum role standard
Syntax scrub disk-groups

[fix yes|no]



[fix yes|no]

Optional. Specifies whether to automatically fix issues that are found. The default is yes.

  • yes:
    • Finds and fixes media errors.
    • For RAID 5, RAID 6, and ADAPT: Finds and fixes parity mismatches by making parity match the data in all cases.
    • For RAID 1 and RAID 10: Finds and fixes mirror mismatches by copying data from one disk to the other.
  • no:
    • For RAID 5 and RAID 6 (not ADAPT): Finds parity mismatches and media errors.
    • For RAID 1 and RAID 10: Finds parity mismatches, and finds and fixes media errors.

A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the disk groups to scrub. A name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.

Examples Start scrubbing disk group dg1. With the fix parameter omitted, the default value yes is used and any issues detected are automatically fixed, as described above.

# scrub disk-groups dg1

Start scrubbing disk group dg1but do not automatically fix detected errors.

# scrub disk-groups dg1 fix no

See also

abort scrub (with the disk-group parameter)

set advanced-settings

show disk-groups

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