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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide



This basetype is used by show pool-statistics and show tier-statistics.

Table 1. resettable-statistics properties
Name Type Description
serial-number string The serial number of the pool or tier.
time-since-reset uint32 The amount of time, in seconds, since these statistics were last reset, either by a user or by a controller restart.
time-since-sample uint32 The amount of time, in milliseconds, since this set of statistics was last sampled by the Storage Controller.
number-of-reads uint64 The number of read operations since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was restarted.
number-of-writes uint64 The number of write operations since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was restarted.
data-read string The amount of data read since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was restarted.
data-read-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-read value.
data-written string The amount of data written since these statistics were last reset or since the controller was restarted.
data-written-numeric uint64 Unformatted data-written value.
bytes-per-second string The data transfer rate, in bytes per second, calculated over the interval since these statistics were last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not been requested or reset since a controller restart.
bytes-per-second-numeric uint64 Unformatted bytes-per-second value.
iops uint32 The number of input/output operations per second, calculated over the interval since these statistics were last requested or reset. This value will be zero if it has not been requested or reset since a controller restart.
avg-rsp-time uint32 The average response time, in microseconds, for read and write operations since the last sampling time.
avg-read-rsp-time uint32 The average response time, in microseconds, for read operations since the last sampling time.
avg-write-rsp-time uint32 The average response time, in microseconds, for write operations since the last sampling time.

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