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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


remove ipv6-address

Description Removes a static IPv6 address from a controller network port.
NOTE:When the autoconfig parameter in the set ipv6-network-parameters is disabled, you cannot remove the last IPv6 address.
Minimum role standard

remove ipv6-address

[address-label <name>]

[controller a|b]

[index <index>]

[ip-address <IP-address>]

Parameters The parameters must be used in one of these ways:
  • controller & index
  • controller & address-label
  • index only
  • IP address only
address-label <name>

Optional. Specifies the name assigned to the address.

controller a|b

Optional. Specifies whether to change controller A or B, only. If this parameter is omitted, changes affect the controller being accessed.

index <index>

Optional. A value from 0 to 3 that specifies the controller index value for the address.

ip-address <IP-address>

Optional. Specifies the address to remove.
Examples Remove the IPv6 address named vlan1 from controller A.

# remove ipv6-address controller a address-label vlan1

See also

add ipv6-address

set ipv6-network-parameters

show ipv6-addresses

show ipv6-network-parameters

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