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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide



This basetype is used by show events.

Table 1. events properties
Name Type Description
time-stamp string Date and time, in the format year-month-day hour:minutes:seconds (UTC), when this event was detected.
time-stamp-numeric uint32 Unformatted time-stamp value.
event-code string Event code.
event-id string Event ID.
url string For internal use only.
model string Controller model.
serial-number string Controller serial number.
controller string
  • A: Controller A.
  • B: Controller B.
controller-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for controller values.
  • 0: B
  • 1: A
severity string Event severity.
  • CRITICAL: A failure occurred that may cause a controller to shut down. Correct the problem immediately.
  • ERROR: A failure occurred that may affect data integrity or system stability. Correct the problem as soon as possible.
  • WARNING: A problem occurred that may affect system stability but not data integrity. Evaluate the problem and correct it if necessary.
  • INFORMATIONAL: A configuration or state change occurred, or a problem occurred that the system corrected. No action is required.
  • RESOLVED: A condition that caused an event to be logged has been resolved.
severity-numeric uint32 Numeric equivalents for severity values.
  • 1: WARNING
  • 2: ERROR
message string Brief description of the event that occurred. For some events, the message includes data about affected components.
additional- information string Shows additional information, if available, about the event.
recommended-action string Recommends actions to take, if any, to resolve the issue reported by the event.

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