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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


delete schedule

Description Deletes a task schedule. If you no longer want a scheduled task to occur, you can delete the schedule. When a volume or snapshot is deleted, its schedules and tasks are also deleted.

If the schedule uses a task that is not used by any other schedule, a confirmation prompt will ask whether you want to delete the schedule and the task. Reply yes to delete both, or no to delete only the schedule.

Minimum role standard
Syntax delete schedule

[prompt yes|no]


Parameters prompt yes|no

Optional. For scripting, this specifies an automatic reply to confirmation prompts:

  • yes: Allow the command to proceed.
  • no: Cancel the command.
If this parameter is omitted, you must manually reply to prompts.


The name of the schedule to delete.
Examples Delete schedule Sched1.

# delete schedule Sched1

See also

create schedule

set schedule

show schedules

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