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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


delete pools


Deletes specified pools and provides options for also performing data erasure.

CAUTION:Deleting a pool will delete all the data it contains.

For linear storage, a pool and a disk group are logically equivalent. For a linear pool, if the pool contains volumes, the command will prompt for confirmation to delete the volumes. If the reply is yes, the command will unmap and delete all volumes in the pool, delete the pool and corresponding disk group, and make all the disks available. If the reply is no, the command will be canceled.

For virtual storage, a pool can contain multiple disk groups. For a virtual pool, if the pool contains volumes, the command will prompt for confirmation to delete the volumes. If the reply is yes, the command will unmap and delete all volumes in the pool, and then delete each disk group in the pool and make all the disks available. If the reply is no, the command will be canceled.
  • You cannot remove the only pool from a system that is used in a peer connection, or a pool that contains a volume that is used in a replication set.
  • If you delete a quarantined disk group and its missing disks are later found, the group will reappear as quarantined or offline and you must delete it again (to clear those disks).
Minimum role standard
Syntax delete pools

[prompt yes|no]



[assurance-level secure|sanitize]

Parameters [prompt yes|no]

Optional. For scripting, this specifies an automatic reply to confirmation prompts:

  • yes: Allow the command to proceed.
  • no: Cancel the command.
If this parameter is omitted, you must manually reply to prompts.


A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the pools to delete. For a linear pool, a name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.


Optional. This string specifies data erasure. If this parameter is omitted, the command will not perform data erasure when deleting the specified pool.

assurance-level secure|sanitize

Optional. This string specifies the assurance-level for the data erasure operation:

  • secure: Performs data erasure using cryptographic erase based on the Subsystem Security Class method that applies to the system SED (FDE-capable) drives.
  • sanitize: Performs data erasure with the Sanitize SCSI command, using the system SAS interface.

If this parameter is omitted, the SC determines the appropriate assurance-level based on drive capability and system security status. If the parameter is provided and a failure occurs, the command returns the failed result.

NOTE:Considerations for using the optional data erasure command parameters:
  • The assurance-level sanitize option only works on an unsecured system.
  • The assurance-level secure option only works on FDE drives that are secured. If an FDE-capable drive is not secured, the sanitize option (using either overwrite or crypto erase) must be used.
Examples Delete virtual pool A.

# delete pools A

Delete linear pool dg1.

# delete pools dg1

Delete virtual pool B and perform erasure on a system secured with FDE-capable drives.

# delete pools B erase assurance-level secure

See also

remove disk-groups

show pools

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