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Dell PowerVault ME5 Series Storage System CLI Reference Guide


clear expander-status

Description Clears the counters and status for SAS expander lanes.
NOTE:This command is for use by or with direction from technical support.

Counters and status can be reset to a good state for all enclosures, or for a specific enclosure whose status is Error as shown by the show expander-status command.

NOTE:If a rescan is in progress, the clear operation will fail with an error message saying that an EMP does exist. Wait for the rescan to complete and then retry the clear operation.
Minimum role standard
Syntax clear expander-status

[<enclosure ID>]

Parameters [<enclosure ID>]

Optional. The enclosure number. If this parameter is omitted, the command clears the counters and status of all enclosures.

Examples Clear the expander status for the enclosure with ID 1.

# clear expander-status enclosure 1

See also show expander-status

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