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Dell OptiPlex 3020–Small Form Factor Owner's Manual

System Setup Options

  • NOTE: Depending on your computer and its installed devices, the items listed in this section may or may not appear.
Table 1. General
Option Description
System Board This section lists the primary hardware features of your computer.
  • System Information
  • Memory Information
  • PCI Information
  • Processor Information
  • Device Information
Boot Sequence Allows you to change the order in which the computer attempts to find an operating system.
  • Boot Sequence
  • Diskette drive
  • SATA HDD Drive
  • USB Storgae Device
  • CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive
  • Onboard NIC
  • Boot List Option
  • Allows you to change the boot list option.
    • Legacy
    • UEFI
Advanced Boot Options Allows you to Enable Legacy Option ROMs
  • Enabled (Default)
Date/Time Allows you to set the date and time. The changes to the system date and time takes effect immediately.
Table 2. System Configuration
Option Description
Integrated NIC Allows you to configure the integrated network controller. The options are:
  • Disabled
  • Enable UEFI Network Stack
  • Enabled
  • Enabled w/PXE (Default)
  • Enabled w/Cloud Desktop
Serial Port Identifies and defines the serial port settings. You can set the serial port to:
  • Disabled(Default)
  • COM1
  • COM2
  • COM3
  • COM4
  • NOTE: The operating system may allocate resources even if the setting is disabled.
SATA Operation Allows you to configure the internal SATA hard-drive controller. The options are:
  • Disabled
  • ATA
  • AHCI (Default)
Drives Allows you to enable or disable the various drives on-board:
  • SATA-0
  • SATA-1
  • SATA-2

Default Setting: All drives are enabled.

SMART Reporting This field controls if the hard drive errors for the integrated drives are reported during system startup. This technology is part of the SMART (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) specification.
  • Enable SMART Reporting - This option is disabled by default.
USB Configuration Allows you to enable or disable the internal USB configuration. The options are:
  • Enable Boot Support
  • Enable Front USB Ports
  • Enable USB 3.0 Ports
  • Enable Rear Dual USB 2.0 Ports
  • Enable Dual USB 2.0 Ports (Under LAN ports)
Audio Allows you enable or disable the audio feature.

Default Setting: Audio is enabled

Table 3. Video
Option Description
Multi-Display Allows you to enables or disables Multi-Display, it should be enabled for windows 7 32/64bit or later only.
  • Disable Multi Display
Table 4. Security
Option Description
Admin Password This field lets you set, change, or delete the administrator (admin) password (sometimes called the setup password). The admin password enables several security features.

The drive does not have a password set by default.

  • Enter the old password
  • Enter the new password
  • Confirm the new password
System Password This field lets you set, change, or delete the system password. The system password enables several security features.

The drive does not have a password set by default.

  • Enter the old password
  • Enter the new password
  • Confirm the new password
Internal HDD_0 Password Allows you to set, change, or delete the password on the computer’s internal hard disk drive (HDD) Successful change to this password take effect immediately. The drive does not have a password set by default
  • Enter the old password
  • Enter the new password
  • Confirm the new password
Strong Password

Enable strong password - This option is disabled by default.

Password Configuration This field controls the minimum and maximum number of characters allowed for the admin and system passwords.
  • Admin Password Min
  • Admin Password Max
  • System Password Min
  • System Password Max
Password Bypass Allows you to bypass the System Password and the internal HDD password prompts during a system restart.
  • Disabled - Always prompt for the system and internal HDD password when they are set. This option is disabled by default.
  • Reboot Bypass - Bypass the password prompts on restarts (warm boots).
  • NOTE: The system will always prompt for the system and internal HDD passwords when powered on from the off state (a cold boot). Also, the system will always prompt for passwords on any module bay HDDs that may be present.
Password Change Allows you to determine whether changes to the system and hard disk passwords are permitted when an administrator password is set.
  • Allow Non-Admin Password Changes - This option is enabled by default.
TPM Security This option lets you control whether the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) in the system is enabled and visible to the operating system.

TPM Security - This option is disabled by default.

TPM ACPI Support

TPM PPI Deprovision Override


TPM PPI Provision Override

  • NOTE: Activation, deactivation, and clear options are not affected if you load the setup program's default values. Changes to this option take effect immediately.
Computrace This field lets you activate or disable the BIOS module interface of the optional Computrace Service from Absolute Software.
  • Deactivate - This option is disabled by default.
  • Disable
  • Activate
Chassis Intrusion
  • Disable - This option is disabled by default.
  • On-Silent
CPU XD Support Allows you to enable or disable the execute disable mode of the processor.
  • Enable CPU XD Support - This option is enabled by default.
Admin Setup Lockout Allows you to enable or disable the option to enter setup when an admin password is set.
  • Enable Admin Setup Lockout - This option is not set by default.
HDD Protection Support Allows you to enable or disable the HDD Protection feature
  • HDD Protection Support Disable - This option is disabled by default.
Table 5. Secure Boot
Option Description
Secure Boot Enable Allows you to enable or disable the Secure Boot Feature. The options are:
  • Disabled (Default)
  • Enabled
Expert Key Management Allows you to manipulate the security key databases only if the system is in Custom Mode. The Enable Custom Mode option is disabled by default. The options are:
  • PK
  • KEK
  • db
  • dbx
If you enable the Custom Mode, the relevant options for PK, KEK, db, and dbx appear. The options are:
  • Save to File- Saves the key to a user-selected file
  • Replace from File- Replaces the current key with a key from a user-selected file
  • Append from File- Adds a key to the current database from a user-selected file
  • Delete- Deletes the selected key
  • Reset All Keys- Resets to default setting
  • Delete All Keys- Deletes all the keys
  • NOTE: If you disable the Custom Mode, all the changes made will be erased and the keys will restore to default settings.
Table 6. Performance
Option Description
Multi Core Support Specifies whether the process will have one or all cores enabled. The performance of some applications will improve with the additional cores.
  • All - Enabled by default
  • 1
  • 2
Intel SpeedStep Allows you to enable or disable the Intel SpeedStep feature.

Default Setting: Enable Intel SpeedStep

C States Control Allows you to enable or disable the additional processor sleep states.

Default Setting: Enabled

Limit CPUID Value This field limits the maximum value the processor Standard CPUID Function will support
  • Disable CPUID Limit
  • NOTE: Some Operating system will not complete installation when the maximum CPUID Function is greater than 3
HyperThread control (SFF) Allows you to enable or disable the Hyper-Threading Technology. This option is enabled by default.
Table 7. Power Management
Option Description
AC Recovery Specifies how the computer will respond when AC power is applied after a AC power loss. You can set the AC Recovery to:
  • Power Off (Default)
  • Power On
  • Last Power State
Auto On Time Allows you to set the time at which the computer must turn on automatically. The options are:
  • Disabled (Default)
  • Every Day
  • Weekdays
  • Select Days
Deep Sleep Control Allows you to define the controls when Deep Sleep is enabled.
  • Disabled
  • Enabled in S5 only
  • Enabled in S4 and S5 Enabled
Fan Speed Control Controls the speed of the system fan. This option is disabled by default.
  • NOTE: When enabled, the fan runs at full speed.
USB Wake Support This option allows you to enable USB devices to wake the computer from standby.
  • Enable USB Wake Support - This option is enabled by default.
Wake on LAN This option allows the computer to power up from the off state when triggered by a special LAN signal. Wake-up from the Standby state is unaffected by this setting and must be enabled in the operating system. This feature only works when the computer is connected to AC power supply. The options differ based on the form factor.
  • Disabled - Does not allow the system to power on by special LAN signals when it receives a wake-up signal from the LAN or wireless LAN.
  • LAN Only - Allows the system to be powered on by special LAN signals.
  • LAN or PXE Boot - Allows the system to be powered on by special LAN or PXE Bootsignals. (For Ultra Small Form Factor only)
This option is Disabled by default.
Block Sleep Allows you to block entering to sleep (S3 state) in OS Environment.

Default Setting: Disabled

Intel Smart Connect Technology The option is disabled by default. If option enables will periodically sense nearby wireless connection while the system is asleep. It will synchronize emails or social media application that were open when system entered the sleep state.
  • Smart Connection
Table 8. POST Behavior
Option Description
Numlock LED Specifies if the NumLock function can be enabled when the system boots. This option is enabled by default.
Keyboard Errors Specifies whether keyboard related errors are reported when it boots. This option is enabled by default.
Table 9. Virtualization Support
Option Description
Virtualization This option specifies whether a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can utilize the additional hardware capabilities provided by Intel Virtualization technology.
  • Enable Intel Virtualization Technology - This option is enabled by default.
Table 10. Maintenance
Option Description
Service Tag Displays the service tag of your computer.
Asset Tag Allows you to create a system asset tag if an asset tag is not already set. This option is not set by default.
SERR Messages Controls the SERR message mechanism. This option is not set by default. Some graphics cards require that the SERR message mechanism be disabled.
Table 11. Cloud Desktop
Option Description
Server Lookup Method Specifies how the ImageServer looks up the server address.
  • Static IP
  • DNS (enabled by default)
  • NOTE: This field is only relevant when the Integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to Enabled with ImageServer.
Server IP Address Specifies the primary static IP address of the ImageServer with which the client software communicates. The default IP address is
  • NOTE: This field is only relevant when the Integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to Enabled with ImageServer and when Lookup Method is set to Static IP.
Server Port Specifies the primary IP port of the ImageServer, which is used by the client to communicate. The default IP port is 06910.
  • NOTE: This field is only relevant when the Integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to Enabled with ImageServer.
Client Address Method Specifies how the client obtains the IP address.
  • Static IP
  • DHCP (enabled by default)
  • NOTE: This field is only relevant when the Integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to Enabled with ImageServer.
Client IP Address Specifies the static IP address of the client. The default IP address is
  • NOTE: This field is only relevant when the Integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to Enabled with ImageServer and when Client DHCP is set to Static IP.
Client SubnetMask Specifies the subnet mask of the client. The default setting is
  • NOTE: This field is only relevant when the Integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to Enabled with ImageServer and when Client DHCP is set to Static IP.
Client Gateway Specifies the gateway IP address for the client. The default setting is
  • NOTE: This field is only relevant when the Integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to Enabled with ImageServer and when Client DHCP is set to Static IP.
Advanced Specifies for Advanced debugging
  • Verbose Mode (Disabled)
  • NOTE: This Option is only relevant when the integrated NIC control in the System Configuration group is set to enable with Cloud Desktop.
Table 12. System Logs
Option Description
BIOS events Displays the system event log and allows you to clear the log.
  • Clear Log

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