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Dell OptiPlex 3020–Small Form Factor Owner's Manual

Disabling a System Password

The system's software security features include a system password and a setup password. The password jumper disables any password(s) currently in use.
  • NOTE: You can also use the following steps to disable a forgotten password.
  1. Follow the procedures in Before Working on Your Computer.
  2. Remove the cover.
  3. Identify the PSWD jumper on the system board.
  4. Remove the PSWD jumper from the system board.
    • NOTE: The existing passwords are not disabled (erased) until the computer boots without the jumper.
  5. Install the cover.
    • NOTE: If you assign a new system and/or setup password with the PSWD jumper installed, the system disables the new password(s) the next time it boots.
  6. Connect the computer to the electrical outlet and power-on the computer.
  7. Power-off the computer and disconnect the power cable from the electrical outlet.
  8. Remove the cover.
  9. Replace the PSWD jumper on the system board.
  10. Install the cover.
  11. Follow the procedures in After Working on Your Computer.
  12. Power-on the computer.
  13. Go to the system setup, and assign a new system or setup password. See Setting up a System Password.

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