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Dell Latitude E6540 Owner's Manual

Device Status Lights

Table 1. Device Status LightsThe following table provides the description on the computer’s device status lights:
power lightTurns on when you turn on the computer and blinks when the computer is in a power management mode.
hard drive status lightTurns on when the computer reads or writes data.
battery charge indicatorTurns on steadily or blinks to indicate battery charge status.
WiFi indicatorTurns on when wireless networking is enabled.
The device status LEDs are usually located either on the top or left side of the keyboard. They display the storage, battery and wireless devices connectivity and activity. Apart from that they can be useful as a diagnostic tool when there's a possible failure to the system.

The following table lists how to read the LED codes when possible errors occur.

Table 2. LED LightsThe following table provides the description on the computer’s LED lights:
Storage LEDPower LEDWireless LEDFault Description
BlinkingSolidSolidA possible processor failure has occurred.
SolidBlinkingSolidThe memory modules are detected but encountered an error.
BlinkingBlinkingBlinkingA system board failure has occurred.
BlinkingBlinkingSolidA possible graphics card/video failure has occurred.
BlinkingBlinkingOffSystem failed on hard drive initialization OR System failed in Option ROM initialization.
BlinkingOffBlinkingThe USB controller encountered a problem during initialization.
SolidBlinkingBlinkingNo memory modules are installed/detected.
BlinkingSolidBlinkingThe display encountered a problem during initialization.
OffBlinkingBlinkingThe modem is preventing the system from completing POST
OffBlinkingOffMemory failed to initialize or memory is unsupported.

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