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Dell Latitude 5401 Setup and specifications guide

Security options—Contactless smartcard reader

Table 1. Contactless smartcard readerContactless smartcard reader
TitleDescriptionDell ControlVault 3 Contactless Smartcard reader with NFC
Felica Card SupportReader and software capable of supporting Felica contactless cardsYes
ISO 14443 Type A Card SupportReader and software capable of supporting ISO 14443 Type A contactless cardsYes
ISO 14443 Type B Card SupportReader and software capable of supporting ISO 14443 Type B contactless cardsYes
ISO/IEC 21481Reader and software capable of supporting ISO/IEC 21481 compliant contactless cards and tokensYes
ISO/IEC 18092Reader and software capable of supporting ISO/IEC 21481 compliant contactless cards and tokensYes
ISO 15693 Card SupportReader and software capable of supporting ISO15693 contactless cardsYes
NFC Tag SupportSupports reading and processing of NFC compliant tag informationYes
NFC Reader ModeSupport for NFC Forum Defined Reader modeYes
NFC Writer ModeSupport for NFC Forum Defined Writer modeYes
NFC Peer-to-Peer ModeSupport for NFC Forum Defined Peer to Peer modeYes
EMVCo CompliantCompliant with EMVCO smartcard standards as posted to www.emvco.comYes
EMVCo CertifiedFormally certified based on EMVCO smartcard standardsYes
NFC Proximity OS InterfaceEnumerates NFP (Near Field Proximity) device for OS to utilizeYes
PC/SC OS interfacePersonal Computer/Smart Card specification for integration of hardware readers into personal computer environmentsYes
CCID driver complianceCommon driver support for Integrated Circuit Card Interface Device for OS level driversYes
Windows CertifiedDevice certified by Microsoft WHCKYes
Dell ControlVault supportDevice connects to Dell ControlVault for usage and processingYes
Prox (Proximity) (125kHz) Card supportReader and software capable of supporting Prox/Proximity/125kHz contactless cardsNo

NOTE: : 125 Khz proximity cards are not supported.

Table 2. Supported cardsSupported cards
HIDjCOP readertest3 A card (14443a)Yes
1430 1L
iClass (Legacy)
iClass SEOS
NXP/MifareMifare DESFire 8K White PVC CardsYes
Mifare Classic 1K White PVC Cards
NXP Mifare Classic S50 ISO Card
G&DidOnDemand - SCE3.2 144KYes
SCE6.0 FIPS 80K Dual+ 1 K Mifare
SCE6.0 nonFIPS 80K Dual+ 1 K Mifare
SCE6.0 FIPS 144K Dual + 1K Mifare
SCE6.0 nonFIPS 144K Dual + 1 K Mifare
SCE7.0 FIPS 144K
OberthuridOnDemand - OCS5.2 80KYes
ID-One Cosmo 64 RSA D V5.4 T=0 card

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